Access is denied



Hi all,

I have a problem with the access to the folder for uploading the file into
that folder by using ASP.NET program. The error message was : "Access is
denied ..." to the location I save the file. This problem didn't happen
when I ran my ASP.NET program with my localhost server on my personal
computer at home. The problem happened in my work environment; the Web
server was installed in another machine that has Windows Server 2003
operating system. Our Web developer with different work stations access on
this server by remoting access. We did try to add ASPNET machine account to
access on this folder for security part, but it didn't work. Please give
me some ideas about it. Thanks in advance.



Perhaps the code is running as you and not the ASPNET user, why not do a
response.write of the user so you can be sure.

In the IIS console, doesn't the 'write' functionality need to be ticked?


I had that same problem on 2003.

Turns out IUSER, ASP:NET & NETWORK SERVICE needs read access, and ASP.NET
writes access.

But more importantly, as far as i can see they need read access from the
root down,
and by root im not talking about the website root but in my case D:

giving IUSER read permission on the root raises major security issues in a
hosting enviment.

Does anyone have a solution to this problem

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