access external harddrive



I reformatted desktop computer harddrive & reinstalled it with XP PRO. Before I did that, I saved/backup all of my important data to my external Maxtor 3000LE harddrive.

Here is the problem, before reformatting I set the security properties for the backup folder (on Maxtor) so only I had permission to view & not the kids...I did weekly backups to this folder & did not want the kids to delete anything by mistake

So now...I can not access my folder that I had all that data in ( even though I am the Administrator & part of the Admin group). It says access denied.

What can I do to access this? It has all my family digital photo's, mp3's & financial records in there

I called Maxtor, they said that since I can access all the other data on HD, that's its not a hardware problem but a software/OS problem. They suggested checking MS for help

Does anyone know what to do? Thanks for viewing


What operating system where you useing prior to reformating the hard drive? Infact what file system was used to reformate the drive?The problem seems to lay on the type of file system used.


Problem corrected. Thanks very, very much to everyone who replied

SORRY for so many duplicate entries (first time I've posted on BBS, throught I had to post on each group...not just the main one)

THANKS AGAIN to everyone for their time spent on my problem!!! Eric

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