Access denied trying to write from XP to Vista



Hi NG,

I am having a small problem trying to write to an external hard disk drive
(eHDD) on a Vista Ultimate machine. My XP machine (Snowdancer) has no
problem reading and writing files to the internal HDD of a Vista machine
(Osiris). If I copy test.txt from Snowdancer to \\Osiris\C on Osiris\tmp
all goes well. I can read the C: drive on Osiris and the eHDD I: drive with
no problem. But if I try to write a file to Osiris I: drive I get the
"Access is denied" error.

I have tried to set the permissions the same on the C: as on the I:, but
still no luck. I am using the standard Firewall on both machines. Osiris
has OneCare running and Snowdancer has Norton 360. My user name on Osiris
is Bob, but on Snowdancer it is Robert Schuldenfrei. Can anyone suggest
what I am doing wrong?

BTW, I tried to follow PChuck's suggestions and download Browstat.exe, but I
could not find a place to download same. Both Dynawell and Stanford did not
let me do it.



Robert L. \(MS-MVP\)

Have you checked the permissions in Security tab? Or check this post.
Vista common issue - can see but ...
Apr 9, 2008 ... Have you assign permission under security > tab? or
this link may help. Please post back with the result. > > Vista Permission
IssuesPost ...

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Dear Robert and NG,

Thank you for the quick reply. I had indeed set the Security tab for both
the C: (which is working) and the I: (which is not). And... I set it for
the folders C:\0UserFiles and I:\Snowdancer. If you follow this link you
can view these properties. and The Group or user name is slightly
different for the folders. Can you spot the problem?

I would love a tool that would trace down the cause of these issue. I
believe Browstat.exe is such a tool, but I cannot find a working download.
The ideal tool would run on the XP machine and work like tracert.exe. It
would attempt to push through firewalls, antivirus programs, and levels of
permissions until it failed. At least then I would know what Vista program
is issuing the "Access is denied" error condition. As it is now, I am
trying various things at random with no luck yet.

Thank you,


Robert L. \(MS-MVP\)



No I have not. Yesterday I was having issues posting to this NG. Will try
your idea.



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