Access denied for a web project to "Temporary ASP.NET Files"



I have a VS 2003 VB web project which works fine, in IE, debug....After
several browsing in IE or debugging several ti;mes I start to get the ugly
error "Configuration Error ", Access is denied: 'mydll', and the following
line in red color in the ouput

"Line 200: <add assembly="*" />"
Source File:
c:\windows\\framework\v1.1.4322\Config\machine.config Line:
Assembly Load Trace: The following information can be helpful to determine
why the assembly mydll could not be loaded.

I strated to check my machine, went to the directory "v1.1.4322\Temporary
ASP.NET Files" and discovered that I can manipulate all subdirectories
except the directory where my project resides in. I can not display its
content not delete.

I do several iisreset without any success, I need to reboot the machine so
it works.

I would appreciate your help.

Walter Wang [MSFT]


Thank you for your post.

Based on my understanding, this kind of "Access Denied" problem when
generating or loading assembly is very likely related to a background
Anti-Virus or Indexing service. You can find more information here:

#Diagnose "Access Denied" error on Assembly Loading

If you do have an Anti-Virus or Indexing service running in the background,
you may try excluding the "Temporary ASP.NET Files" folder from the service
and see if it works.

Hope this helps. Please feel free to post here if anything is unclear.

Walter Wang ([email protected], remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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