"access denied" error message view saved .pst files



Hi. I exported my outlook files to numerous .pst files and then burned them
onto a CD-ROM for safe keeping. While trying to access the saved files
through Outlook, I keep getting an "access denied" message ("File access is
denied. You do not have the permission required to access the file D:\ ...
..pst") I don't understand. It's my computer. All I can think about is that
while exporting, the system asked me to put in a password. I know the
password, of course, but there's no place for me to enter it.

Any help here? thanks.

Noel All

That message is a misleading, burning the files to CD makes them Read Only
and Outlook requires full Read/Write access. Copy the files to your hard
drive and then go into their Properties and remove the Read Only checkmark.

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