access database permission problem


Hope someone can help

Working Visual Web Developer 2005 using Access databases

It all works fine using the WebDevelopers webserver but when I use IIS I get
these errors

The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file
'C:\CallidusWorld\App_Data\oakleafAccounts.mdb'. It is already opened
exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

I know it's to do with permissions but so far I've tried...
Setting IUSR_Server01 to have read/write to the folder C:\callidusWorld
Setting EVERYONE to have read/write tothis folder
I've even tried setting these 2 accounts to have full access to the entire
drive but all to no avail

I know this is basic stuff but I'm really stuck with this so any help will
be much appreciated

All the best

I've set the permissions for "Everyone" for this folder so they can
read/write/delete everything but running though IIS still gives the error

Visual Web Developer still runs fine

Thanks for the help but I am still stuck here

phil cunningham

thanks - I think I've found the solution

it works now that I've set the options on the MDB files rather just the
parent folder. Not sure if this is right but it works


phil cunningham

I thought I had it working but....

Everythin works with Visual Web Developer but the trouble starts when
viewing through IIS

I have read about setting the permissions for the folder and files. I do
this and it fixes the problem.

However, as soon as I open and close the database using Access, it seems as
if the permission is reset and viewing the site via IIS fails again.

Does anyone know why this should be happening.

All help is very much appreciated

phil cunningham

just to follow on with this I have looked at the permissions on my MDB file

I set them to allow IUSR_SERVER01 full access
Everything works fine
I open and close the database in Access and the permission for IUSR_SERVER01
has been removed!

Why does opening and closing an access MDB file change the permissions that
I give it?

This is the cause of my problem but I have no idea as to the solution

Hope this gives enough information

phil cunningham

Moving forward

Within Access I had the option Compact on Close turned on
I turned this off and the permissions stayed fixed - this may be the

Anyone had any experience with this?


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