Access database files


Mike Riley

There was a database created in Access 2000 on a Win98
machine. We have updated to WinXP and the copied data
will not open on the XP machine. When examining the file,
it has a BAK extension. Even after renaming the file, it
then gives the message that we don't have the correct
permissions to use this file.
The file works on other Win98 machines. We're perplexed.

Larry Linson

Sounds like a backup file of some sort. Sounds as if it was secured and you
don't have the workgroup file, or that it is corrupted. Best collection of
information and links on corruption and avoiding same that I know about is
at MVP Tony Toews' site, You might
pay him a visit and see if some of that is userful.

If it is NOT a matter of breaking security, and you can't open it due to
errors/corruption, try -- Peter Miller has a good
reputation for recovering data from corrupted databases (and he'll give you
a free estimate).

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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