Access Bizarreness


Mike Labosh

Access 97 database some native tables, some linked Access tables and some
linked to SQL Server 2000.

Well my boss thought he would make a backup of one of the linked SQL Server
tables, so in the database window, he selected the linked SQL table, did a
ctrl+C / ctrl+V.(Maybe this is why bosses shouldn't use the database window)

He did this two days in a row, so now there are three links to the same SQL
Server table.

So here's the bizarreness: The three linked tables are showing different

What I don't get is how that could happen. They're linked tables, so their
data isn't stored in Access. Since they're natively in a SQL Server
database, Access has to send ODBC commands or something to fetch the stuff.
How in the world can these three links be showing different records?!?

I couldn't reproduce the problem on my machine (Access 2000)
Peace & happy computing,

Mike Labosh, MCSD

Feed the children!
Save the whales!
Free the mallocs!

Van T. Dinh

Neither can I. The action only copies the link anyway.

OTOH, we never know exactly what he did ...

Lynn Trapp

(Maybe this is why bosses shouldn't use the database window)

Absolutely... It's time to give this boss a runtime version of your
application. Threaten him with the loss of body parts if he goes near the DB
window again... <grin>

Mike Labosh

Absolutely... It's time to give this boss a runtime version of your
application. Threaten him with the loss of body parts if he goes near the
window again... <grin>

Never happen. Everybody works like this here, manually editing in a table
datasheet. This is why they hired me, the .NET badass, to write new stuff.
You have no idea how difficult it is to design a new program where one of
the blocks on the logic diagram is labeled "ad-hoc manual monkey business"
Peace & happy computing,

Mike Labosh, MCSD

Feed the children!
Save the whales!
Free the mallocs!

Lynn Trapp

You have no idea how difficult it is to design a new program where one of
the blocks on the logic diagram is labeled "ad-hoc manual monkey business"

ROFL.....Oh yes I do. We have a manager here where I work who spends her
whole day writing "ad-hoc manual monkey business" and them coming to us to
clean it up for us.

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