Access 97: User permissons problem?



I'm using the code at the end of this post to populate a Microsoft Word
template with data from fields in an Access 97 database. The database is
on an server running NT Server 4, with the templates on each client
machine (located at C:\Standard Letters\Templates).

I have a mixture of NT4 Workstation and XP Pro client machines.
Everything works great on the NT machines, and when logged in with
administrator privileges on the XP machines.

However, when logged on as a normal user (a member of "Domain Users"
using a roaming profile) on the XP machines, Word is started and the
relevant template is loaded, but no data is pulled across from Access.

I've had a dig around the MS KB and Google Groups but have not found any
pointers towards a solution yet. As such, I'd be grateful for any

Duncan McKenzie
TRC Ltd.

start paste
Private Sub cmdTPILetter_Click()
Dim objWord As Object
Dim WordWasNotRunning As Boolean ' Flag for final release.
On Error Resume Next
Set objWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then WordWasNotRunning = True
Err.Clear ' Clear Err object in case error occurred.
On Error GoTo Err_cmdTPILetter_Click
If WordWasNotRunning Then
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
End If
With objWord
.Visible = True
Debug.Print Me![TPInsurer]
Debug.Print "[InsurerID] = " & "'" & Me![TPInsurer] & "'"
.Documents.Add Template:="c:\Standard
.selection.Text = (CStr(DLookup("[CompanyName]", "tblInsurers",
"[InsurerID] = " & "'" & Me![TPInsurer] & "'")))
.selection.Text = (CStr(DLookup("[OfficeAddress]",
"tblInsurers", "[InsurerID] = " & "'" & Me![TPInsurer] & "'")))
.selection.Text = (CStr(DLookup("[Location]", "tblInsurers",
"[InsurerID] = " & "'" & Me![TPInsurer] & "'")))
.selection.Text = (CStr(DLookup("[Posttown]", "tblInsurers",
"[InsurerID] = " & "'" & Me![TPInsurer] & "'")))
.selection.Text = (CStr(DLookup("[PCode]", "tblInsurers",
"[InsurerID] = " & "'" & Me![TPInsurer] & "'")))
.selection.Text = (CStr(Me![PHRegNum]))
.selection.Text = (CStr(Me![AccidentDateTime]))
.selection.Text = (CStr(Me![TRCref]))
.selection.Text = (CStr(Me![Phinitials] & " " & Me![Phsurname]))
.selection.Text = (CStr(Me![TPinitials] & " " & Me![TPsurname]))
.selection.Text = (CStr(Me![TPInsurerref]))
.selection.Text = (CStr(DLookup("[PrincipalName]",
"tblPrincipal", "[PrincipalID] = " & "'" & Me![Principal] & "'")))
.selection.Text = (CStr(Me![TPRegNum]))
.selection.Text = (CStr(Me![Principal]))
.selection.Text = (CStr(Me![Ourbranch]))

End With

Set objWord = Nothing

Exit Sub

If Err.Number = 94 Then
objWord.selection.Text = ""
Resume Next
End If

End Sub

Joan Wild

Hi Duncan,
I'm using the code at the end of this post to populate a Microsoft
Word template with data from fields in an Access 97 database. The
database is on an server running NT Server 4, with the templates on
each client machine (located at C:\Standard Letters\Templates).

However, when logged on as a normal user (a member of "Domain Users"
using a roaming profile) on the XP machines, Word is started and the
relevant template is loaded, but no data is pulled across from Access.

Do the Domain Users have full permissions on the folder where the backend
database is?


Joan said:
Hi Duncan,

Do the Domain Users have full permissions on the folder where the backend
database is?

I haven't yet split the database, although will be doing so soon as the
number of users is increasing all the time.

However, the folder containing the .mdb grants full permissons to Domain
Users - to Everyone, in fact.

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