Access 97 - Converting from an mde file back to an mdb file



Is there a way of being able to convert an mde file back to the original mdb status. Unfortunately the original mdb file was lost a number of years ago and changes now need to be made to the access database.

Allen Browne

By definition, the MDE lacks the text version of the code, so you cannot
convert it back into an MDB because the text is missing.

You can create a new database and import all the tables and queries. There
have been some utilities around that let you import the forms and report
*without* their code, but you cannot recreate the code because it is not

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

harwookf said:
Is there a way of being able to convert an mde file back to the original
mdb status. Unfortunately the original mdb file was lost a number of years
ago and changes now need to be made to the access database.

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