Access 97 Combo Box


Neil Greenough

I have a combo box which looks up two fields; surname and then name. It
displays them as follows:


Now, if there is more than one person with the same surname, my combobox
won't won't find the second person onwards when you type in the combobox. It
is listed if you use the dropdown menu, but if for example, I start typing
"Brown" it will only find one result. If I then type, "BROWN, Sheila" (who
is listed in table), it will stick on Brown, John for some reason.

Any ideas?

Arvin Meyer

Add the ID or unique value as the first column in the combo's rowsource.
Bind thecombo to that column (NOT the field in the table you are doing the
lookup for, that needs to remain unbound) Set the first column's width to
zero, so you don't see it when you drop down or choose.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
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