access 2007 table reset autonumber



access 2007 table reset autonumber:
I found a document on this with the microsoft article ID (812718) but it is
not detailed enough because I am doing something and/or missing something.

Anybody have a better solution for this in 2007 access ?

Tom Wickerath

It's always nice to provide a direct link to an article, when you are
referencing it:

Which method did you try, method 1 or method 2? Are you working with a
single table, or with a table that includes referenced tables? Can you
identify a particular step number in whichever method that you tried that you
are not understanding?

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP


Method 2 where is states "In access Access 2007, follow these steps" almost
to the bottom.

I assume after you delete the autonumber field name, you close the table and
don't save the changes or do you ? Only reason I ask cause later in the doc
it references the same table but states not to inlcude the autonumber field.

Another step talks about copy and pasting with structural, all the methods I
have been able to reference with structural paste and copy don't coinside
with 2007 from what I can see unless its as simple as clicking on the copy
and paste.

The only other table involved is the switchboard.

I probably could have created this table a couple times over again but want
to see what I am missing, really doesn't seem it should be this dificult.

Any input is greatly appreciated....

Also the reply links I got to my hotmail account open up but there is no
info or refernce in them either.

I had to log back in and search until I found my original posting..... not
sure if that is on my end either, have not had any other issues on other
forums ?



Also, not sure if it matters, but the database was created in 2003 access,
I recently purchased 2007 access and am working with it in that. Am I
correct to utilize the 2007 method under step 2 ?

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