Access 2007, PivotTable help not found


Chris Bacon

I cannot find any information in "Help" for PivotTables, and very little
elsewhere. Is it hidden some place?

I've had problems finding many things in Help, to the point where it seems
that I have a dumbed down version of it. For example, try finding anything
about "default control style".


Danny J. Lesandrini

You might do better reading a book chapter on pivot tables, or maybe
just playing with them. They are kind of intuitive. What specifically do
you want to know that isn't obvious from the drag-and-drop interface?

Chris Bacon


Thanks for your response. I've looked around on the internet and there
is some information available, and I can learn by playing around with it. My
point, though, is that Access Help should have something about PivotTables
and it does not, or if it does I can't find it.


Danny J. Lesandrini


Yeah, I didn't mean to put-off your request. I guess I just never looked in the
help file for instructions about Pivot Tables. I believe the only times I ever
used them was when I was showing advanced Excel users how to get them
started in Access. Seems those users were already familiar with the basics.
They showed me how to produce the views they desired.

As I said, I have read about them in nearly all the books on Access I've read.
I suppose it's mandatory to include a paragraph, if not a chapter. I'm surprised
the help file doesn't contain more info.

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