Access Access 2003 Value in a combo box

Sep 6, 2007
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Does anyone know how I can have a combo box to keep the value on the form for when i am entering records and also to store the value into the table with all the other data.


Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
when i needed to put in data to multiple places, i create a table to temporarily hold the value(s) on a single row.

as the form opened, it cleared the temp table, and allowed you to enter your data.
when that form is closed, that was then written to the temp table on a single row.
closing the table also opens another form which draws its data from that temp table, filling in the blanks for 3 or 4 cells, and waiting for the rest.
when that 2nd form is closed it writes ==all== of the info on the form to the destination table.

this is useful when a form has several tabs and those initial 3 or 4 fields are displayed on each tab.

you can also use a command button to run a macro to store the info.

also, look for microsoft mvp websites on the topic. always a good source. and microsoft's access forum.

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