Access 2003 - Linked Fields



I have a Table 1 with Field A. In Table 2 I want to create a field that will
automatically pull over Field A from Table 1 to Table 2. How do I do this.
The table I'm working on has a number assigned to a vendor. The vendor in
Table 1 (with number) has to also be in Table 2 (with number) and I don't
want to have to retype that number everytime.

Douglas J. Steele

You may want to explain in a little more detail what the two tables are.
It's unusual to need to put the same value in two different places (unless
you're talking about a foreign key from one table, pointing back to the
other), and it's not recommended to be working directly with the tables (you
should always use forms).

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Use a form that is bound to Table 2. On the form, put a combo box whose
RowSource is a query that shows you a list of the vendors, and bind that
combo box to the field where you want the vendor number to go.

John W. Vinson

On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 08:27:01 -0800, Mary Ann <Mary
I have a Table 1 with Field A. In Table 2 I want to create a field that will
automatically pull over Field A from Table 1 to Table 2. How do I do this.
The table I'm working on has a number assigned to a vendor. The vendor in
Table 1 (with number) has to also be in Table 2 (with number) and I don't
want to have to retype that number everytime.

How are the two tables related? As a rule, you would NOT want to ever type in
a linking field like this. Instead, you can use a Form with a combo box based
on the vendor table, to allow the user to select a vendor; or perhaps a Form
based on the vendor table with a Subform based on your Table 2, using the
vendor ID as the master/child link field.

If you're working in the table datasheet... well, don't work in table
datasheets. They're not designed for data entry or editing, but for data

John W. Vinson [MVP]

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