Access 2003 Customizing Reports



I've created a report using Access 2003 and I have a description field
located within the report. This field at times can be several lines long and
I noticed unless I make the box longer or deeper all the text does not
appear. the problem with making the box longer is I lose some of the headings
that I would like to have, making the box deeper doesn't allow for enought
data to appear on one page and I end up with alot of blank space for the rows
that don't require several lines of description. Is there a way that they
report can sense when to give a row more room for data? and wrap the text as
Thank you

Allen Browne

Set the Can Grow property of the text box to Yes.
It will grow vertically (not horizontally over other boxes.)

You may also need to check that the Can Grow property of the section
containing this text box is Yes.

This does not work if you have something else overlapping the text box

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