Access 2003 and Vista



Since I got a new PC with Vista all my databases take a very long time to open.
In fact, after a while I get an error message that says it can not locate my
file. but in the background, I can see Access is ready to open my file with
it's usual warning about security. I just click out of the error message
about not finding the file, and open my file.

It's so bad that I now tell Access to load my file, then take a break, then
when I come back, the error message saying it can find the file is showing
with the application ready in the background.

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

Some new PCs come with a trial copy of Office 2007 loaded on them. If this
is on your PC, I suggest uninstalling and deleting the files. If not, you
may have a corrupted installation of Office 2003. You may want to uninstall
it, reboot and reinstall.


Thanks very much, I appreciate the help, but it didn't help.

My new pc came with a trial verson of Office 2007 word and excel.
I uninstall it and then had to reinstall Office 2003. But this did not fix
the problem.

It still takes a very long time to open my databases. It says after a long
wait, that it could not locate my file while it is clearly open in the

Any other ideas?

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

If you ever opened the copy of Access 2007, it may be the source of your
problem. The conflicts are most likely what's causing the slow-down and lack
of recognition. To be safe, you need a clean install. That usually means
you must uninstall Office 2003, then get rid of the last vestiges of
everything (including the registry on both versions) and then reinstall
Office 2003. Make sure you reboot after uninstalling and cleaning the
registry, but before re-installing.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP


thanks again but...
the trial Office did not come with Access 2007.

But someone told me to turn off UAC in the users accounts. I wondered if it
was worth the try, but I tried it, and now it quickly responds that it could
not find my file, but it's still there in the background. It's a lot better,
to wait only a few seconds rather than 5-10 minutes to get the error.
I created a new db file with little contents and placed it in C:\projects.
It gives the same problem. I double click it and Access opens and quickly
says it can not find the file (but it already open).

I tried opening Access first then browsing to the file, and I did not get
the error.

I think it must be a problem with Access getting the path from the Vista
explorer interface, ...the shortcut on my desktop has the correct properites
for the path, and Vista uses Accees 2003 for the ".mdb" extention, and even
opens it, but Vista thinks the file was not found.

What can I do to fix that?

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

I tried opening Access first then browsing to the file, and I did not get
the error.

I think it must be a problem with Access getting the path from the Vista
explorer interface, ...the shortcut on my desktop has the correct
for the path, and Vista uses Accees 2003 for the ".mdb" extention, and
opens it, but Vista thinks the file was not found.

What can I do to fix that?

It seems that Access recognizes the file being open, but Vista does not.
Look at your shortcuts and make sure they have a starting directory. If this
is unique to Vista, it may better be answered in a Vista newsgroup.

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