Access 2003 and SQL2000 Table Problems



I'm using Access 2003 as my client for updating tables in a database install
on a SQL 2000 Server. All of the tables have the same user permissions and
were created by the same user. Here is the rub. The SQL 2000 server/Access
2003 combination allows editing and insertion of records in some of the
tables but not in others. Where do I start? I'm just trying to use ACCESS
2003 to open the table and edit, delete and insert new records for all tables
in the database.


Arvin Meyer [MVP]

I'd first contact the administrator and check to see if there are
permissions granted on all tables.

Next, make sure that you are trying to connect to tables. When importing,
Access allows the import of Views and Stored Procedures as tables. If the
primary Key is not included in the View or Stored Proc, the "table" won't be

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