Access 2002 Closes reports



Please help.

I have a reporting db that allows users to select whatever
reports they want to run. Some reports have fields that
the user may or may not want to see. My code asks the
user if they want to see that field. If the answer
is 'no' my code opens the report in design view, sets the
visible property to false on that field and saves and
closes the report.

This worked in Access 97 perfectly. However, in Access
2000 and 2002, if there were other reports open at the
time my code changed the selected report, all of the
previous reports close when the changed report closes! Is
there an option that needs to be set to prevent this from
happening or am I going to have to re-write the code to
askk the questions up-front and then run the reports?

Randy Lane

Allen Browne

Access 97 was capable of saving just the report you changed. Access 2000
onwards lost that ability: it can only perform a monolithic save, rewriting
all the objects, so it is much slower and subject to multi-user issues.

The scenario does not really require the report to be opened in design view,
though. You could just use the Open event of the report to set the Visible
property of the controls based on the user's requests. Access 2000 and later
will handle that since it does not require altering the report design and
writing the changes.

Randy Lane

Thank you very much.
-----Original Message-----
Access 97 was capable of saving just the report you changed. Access 2000
onwards lost that ability: it can only perform a monolithic save, rewriting
all the objects, so it is much slower and subject to multi-user issues.

The scenario does not really require the report to be opened in design view,
though. You could just use the Open event of the report to set the Visible
property of the controls based on the user's requests. Access 2000 and later
will handle that since it does not require altering the report design and
writing the changes.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.


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