Access 2000 on Server.



The question I have here is whether an Access Database.mdb program file
placed on a Private Network Server (I guess it would be called a VPN) can be
accessed by different computers in different locations without the corruption
problem that is associated with file sharing in Access. Does part of the
Access program get loaded into memory on the user PC so that if there is a
disconnect, part of the Access program does not make it back to the file on
the Server and the program becomes corrupted. I have read that file
corruption can occur over a private network where different computers are
accessing the Access Database.
I hope I have explained this properly.

Stefan Hoffmann

hi Bill,
I have read that file
corruption can occur over a private network where different computers are
accessing the Access Database.
I hope I have explained this properly.
When each user has its own local front end, this may only be a problem
when your VPN has an aggressive disconnect strategy.

Also a WLAN may be problematic due to possible connection losses.

Otherwise it should work fine.

--> stefan <--


Thanks for the reply.
I would like to know whether the user PC is loading parts of the program
into memory when it connects to an Access Database program located on a
Network Server. That is probably different from accessing an Access file on a
local private network. With a private network the file is on a local PC that
is networked with other PCs(no server involved). Is being on a server
different? Does this change whether parts of the Access Program are loaded
into memory on the User PC. With home networked PCs, I understand that , when
there is an unintended disconnect, parts of the program will not make it back
to the Access main File- thus causing corruption. This potential corruption
is what I want to prevent when setting up a system.
Hope I have explained this correctly?
Thanks again.

Stefan Hoffmann

hi Bill,
I would like to know whether the user PC is loading parts of the program
into memory when it connects to an Access Database program located on a
Network Server.
Of course it does, otherwise it could not execute it. But you have to
distinguish between "code" thus means forms, reports and their code
behind and "data" the data stored in tables or accessed via queries.

Code is loaded by object and saved by object when changed during
runtime. These operations are normal file operations and are not
protected by any measures (roughly speaking).

Data is loaded by pages when requested from the Jet engine and stored
from it. As it is a database, this is normally an ACID behavior.

These mechanisms have nothing to do with to storage location.

Using a local frontend prevents a lot of problems when dealing with
code, especially concurrent access.

--> stefan <--


I am not totally understanding your excellent answer. If I Split an access
database and place the Back End with tables on one of the PCs that is on a
home network and connect to this back end from a front end on one of the
other PCs on the network, will I have a problem with unintended disconnects
on the User PCs.- ie. If someone using the front end on a PC connected to the
Back End, accidentally turns their power off. Is this a serious problem for
corrupting the Back End Database with the Tables?

John W. Vinson

If someone using the front end on a PC connected to the
Back End, accidentally turns their power off. Is this a serious problem for
corrupting the Back End Database with the Tables?

Yes, especially if they're updating the database when they shut it off
(perhaps to interrupt a long-running query). Good backups are essential, and
Access won't automatically provide them for you.

John W. Vinson [MVP]


If the Tables are on SQL Server Database Linked to an Access Front End would
the corruption still occur with connection disconnects from the User PC Front

Bill D.

Tony Toews [MVP]

BillD said:
If the Tables are on SQL Server Database Linked to an Access Front End would
the corruption still occur with connection disconnects from the User PC Front

No, SQL Server would be a much better solution in such an environment.
And would give you better performance on a band width limited
connection such as to folks at home via ADSL or cable modems.

SQL Server is more work to setup and run efficiently though.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -

Tony Toews [MVP]

BillD said:
The question I have here is whether an Access Database.mdb program file
placed on a Private Network Server (I guess it would be called a VPN) can be
accessed by different computers in different locations without the corruption
problem that is associated with file sharing in Access.

That slow connection is much of the corruption problems. Unless your
remote locations have 100 mpbs connections to the other systems.
Which is possible but, for the most part, not used due to significant

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -


All my questions in this thread have been answered. Thanks for all your much
needed help.
Bill D

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