Access 07 to XP



I have designed a Access database in Access 2007 in the accdb format and I
have just learned that my client is using 2002 and will not upgrade which I
thought was fine until I tried to save my DB in MDB format where I learned
that all my forms where gone or the designs went out the window. Is there a
way of converting this database to a format that Access 2002 will understand.

Thanks Matthew


I don't have A2007... but did you save your MDB in A2002 format?



"The Cowboy Bebop and Spike"

David Conger [MSFT]

Hi Matthew,

You should be able to save your database into the 2002-2003 format or the
2000 format, though some 2007 formatting and other features may not transfer
to the MDB version of the database. You can save to the MDB formats using
the Save As menu in the Office Menu within Access 2007. Another option you
could try would be to create a blank MDB file and import the objects from
the ACCDB into the MDB.

David Conger
Software Development Engineer in Test
Microsoft Office Access

** This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
rights. **

"The Cowboy Bebop and Spike"


Yes I have saved it as a MDB but my forms, reports and queries have all gone.
Is there a way of keeping them and maybe the formatting

David Conger [MSFT]

They shouldn't go away when you change formats. Are you reopening the MDB
in Access 2007 or 2000/XP/2003? I am guessing if you are opening it in
Access 2007 the Navigation Pane may simply just not be showing them to you,
but they are still there. Use the menu at the top of the Navigation Pane to
change the view of the Navigation Pane.

David Conger
Software Development Engineer in Test
Microsoft Office Access

** This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
rights. **

"The Cowboy Bebop and Spike"


Same question again: did you save your MDB in A2002 format?

I mean A2002, A2002, A2002, ... :)


"The Cowboy Bebop and Spike"


I did save it in 2002 format but the formating went like you said

"some 2007 formatting and other features may not transfer
to the MDB version of the database"

But im trying to keep the formating or at least reports etc, I will try this
idea, but im sure it will not work.

"Another option you could try would be to create a blank MDB file and import
the objects from the ACCDB into the MDB"

Thanks Matthew

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