

Franck Diastein


I have a txt file with some text I want to send via mail... The text
contains some words with accents... With my code, I receive the mail,
but letters with accent are missing :-(

What am I doing wrong ?

// Loading text file
private string MyBody(){
TextReader tr = new StreamReader(FilePath);
strBody = tr.ReadToEnd();

//sending message
MailMessage _Mail = new MailMessage();
_Mail.To = m_strMailTo;
_Mail.Subject = "MyTest";
_Mail.From = m_strMailFrom;
_Mail.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);
_Mail.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html;
_Mail.Priority = MailPriority.High;
_Mail.Body = m_MyBody() ;


Martin Honnen

Franck Diastein wrote:

I have a txt file with some text I want to send via mail... The text
contains some words with accents... With my code, I receive the mail,
but letters with accent are missing :-(

What am I doing wrong ?

// Loading text file
private string MyBody(){
TextReader tr = new StreamReader(FilePath);

It could improve things if you specify the encoding as the second
argument to the StreamReader constructor, of course you need to know the
encoding the file has for that.

Franck Diastein

OK, UTF7 did it :)


Martin said:
Franck Diastein wrote:

It could improve things if you specify the encoding as the second
argument to the StreamReader constructor, of course you need to know the
encoding the file has for that.

Franck Diastein

Ok, I got it, but I have a little problem... Until now I was handling
line carriage replacing \r\n with <br> with no problem in HTML email...

But how do I handle line carriages in plain text message ?



Your accents may be extended ascii characters, which don't work too
well with HTML. I ran into this problem with characters 0x91 and
0x92, which are used in rich text.

I solved that problem by doing a string replacement of those
characters with their HTML hard-character equivalents. 0x91 would
then become ‘ and 0x92 would become ’.


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