Acc2003: Me.PivotTable Frustrations



OK, since intellisense gives up after hitting "me.pivottable." in a code

Can anybody tell me WHAT Object Type is returned there?
I know it is an (?abstracted/dumbed-down?) interface,
since under the hood it is late-bound (the Object Browser returns
Access.Form.PivotTable as type: Object) and eventually will either be an
OWC10.PivotTable object or an OWC11.PivotTable Object, depending on what (if
any) office Web Components .DLL is in use, but WHAT Interface is it using?

(incidentally trying to assign me.PivotTable to, an owc11.PivotTable-typed
variable fails with a type error...?)
dim myPivotTable as owc11.PivotTable

set myPivotTable = me.PivotTable <--- *Thud* - Type Error ???

So what the heck does Me.PivotTable return, anyway??!! (It sorta Looks like
a PivotTable Object by browsing it in the Locals window...but apparently it's
not one?!)



Ok, unbelievably, I finally found an answer to this issue.

"This problem occurs because Access 2003 does not support Office 2003 Web

Oh, hey! Thanks for making that information
<sarcasm mode = "Extreme" Volume = "Yell"
So Readily Available AND SOOOO EASY TO FIND,

This interesting news is found, well, not just anywhere, but apparently ONLY
in this MSDN KB Article:

Apparently I am the doofus here for not thinking to search the entire
internet for text like "Cannot connect to the component data source if the
Web page contains Office 2003 Web components." When I was actually trying to
look for information on Oh, I don't know, "Access 2003" and
"PivotTable"'s times like this I wish I were an attorney and could bill
Microsoft for the hours their wonderful communications skills have cost me
_yet again_!

Oh, and FYI, it just may interest you to know that "Office XP Web Components
are installed as part of Microsoft Office 2003." (from the same KB article).
....BECAUSE Access 2003 doesn't support the OWC11.DLL component library
....another little tidbit of information that may be worth knowing.

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