absolutely positioned tables



hello, I have recently created a web using tables, only I had an odd shaped headerimage that called for the cell my picture was in to be so large that it wouldn't flow with the web design. To solve this I absolutely positioned the table over the image and it all came out fine. I checked it in IE6 and Netscape 7.0. My question is can anyone see any big disasters headed my way and problems with other browsers? Or an easier solution to my problem? thanks for any comments.

chris leeds

disasters would most likely result in older browsers or non desktop devices.
if you could provide a url, someone will look at it I'm sure.
I guess without seeing the page the easier way might seem to be just editing
the image so it fits your table or placing the image into the background of
a table with your other table inside that.
The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
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Matthew said:
hello, I have recently created a web using tables, only I had an odd
shaped headerimage that called for the cell my picture was in to be so large
that it wouldn't flow with the web design. To solve this I absolutely
positioned the table over the image and it all came out fine. I checked it
in IE6 and Netscape 7.0. My question is can anyone see any big disasters
headed my way and problems with other browsers? Or an easier solution to my
problem? thanks for any comments.

chris leeds

the computer im on only has an 800w screen. so I can't really "see" it, but
it looks ok and doesn't scroll side to side. I think there's no reason that
the banner image couldn't be laid into a table conventionally. it'd help to
have an image slicer. try the free download of smartsaver pro from

The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
Please feel free to contact me here:

matthew said:
my site is pcparadise4u.com. the image is at the top. Its not so awkward
except the curve on the right makes the boundaries of the picture extend
down that far all the way across. not just where the curve is

Thomas A. Rowe

Don't use absolute positioning, just use tables.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

matthew said:
my site is pcparadise4u.com. the image is at the top. Its not so awkward except the curve on the
right makes the boundaries of the picture extend down that far all the way across. not just where
the curve is


you could edit the pc pardise image & the little image of the guy in the beach chair (personally i'd merge the two together into one banner). Then slice off the portion of the banner that curves down past the straight horizontal bottom of the banner, now you'd have a straight banner graphic and one curvey one. Put the straightened one in a top row of a table, but the curvey bottom one in a table cell below it on the right - no padding, then you could place your right column content right up against (below the curvey thing) most likely reducing or eliminating that space...


| my site is pcparadise4u.com. the image is at the top. Its not so awkward except the curve on the right makes the boundaries of the picture extend down that far all the way across. not just where the curve is


Thanks. I never thought about slicing it. I have photoshop 7.0 will try that seems like ot would work great. Thanks for the help

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