About Thread Completion Notify.



hi to all folks,

i want to create the following senario:
i have a T1 (Thread 1) that acts like http server that receives incoming
From that T1, i want to spawn from T1 to Tn thread jobs and beeing able to
notified when each of these threads finished it's job.

I would like to implement it with the functionality of the ThreadPool,
i also looked at WaitHandle, WaitAny etc etc.

I also noticed from the msdn example that if i use the AutoResetEvent.Set()
method, i just set the state of the event to signaled but i see no way of
quering this and find it's state so i can understand that it is completed
, and the WaitAll and WaitAny stuff just blocks my T1 so all or any Tn
finishes it's job.

But how i can automate this procedure and each thread notify the main T1 of
the completion of it's job ??

the following is from the msdn help:

using System;
using System.Threading;

public sealed class App {
// Define an array with two AutoResetEvent WaitHandles.
static WaitHandle[] waitHandles = new WaitHandle[] {
new AutoResetEvent(false),
new AutoResetEvent(false)

// Define a random number generator for testing.
static Random r = new Random();

static void Main() {
AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false);

// Queue up two tasks on two different threads;
// wait until all tasks are completed.
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("Main thread is waiting for BOTH tasks to complete.");
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(DoTask), waitHandles[0]);
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(DoTask), waitHandles[1]);

// The time shown below should match the longest task.
Console.WriteLine("Both tasks are completed (time waited={0})",
(DateTime.Now - dt).TotalMilliseconds);

// Queue up two tasks on two different threads;
// wait until any tasks are completed.
dt = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("The main thread is waiting for either task to
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(DoTask), waitHandles[0]);
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(DoTask), waitHandles[1]);

int index = WaitHandle.WaitAny(waitHandles);
// The time shown below should match the shortest task.
Console.WriteLine("Task {0} finished first (time waited={1}).",
index + 1, (DateTime.Now - dt).TotalMilliseconds);

static void DoTask(Object state) {
AutoResetEvent are = (AutoResetEvent) state;
int time = 1000 * r.Next(2, 10);
Console.WriteLine("Performing a task for {0} milliseconds.", time);

thanks in advance fro any help

Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


Instead of using events and whatnot, why not just have the DoWork method
call a function at the end to indicate that the task is done, and then
perform whatever work you need to do at that point? Unless you have a
thread somewhere else waiting on the fact that these tasks are done (which
you probably don't since you are servicing requests in separate threads
anyways), you shouldn't have a need for waiting on events.

Hope this helps.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

objectref said:
hi to all folks,

i want to create the following senario:
i have a T1 (Thread 1) that acts like http server that receives incoming
From that T1, i want to spawn from T1 to Tn thread jobs and beeing able to
notified when each of these threads finished it's job.

I would like to implement it with the functionality of the ThreadPool,
i also looked at WaitHandle, WaitAny etc etc.

I also noticed from the msdn example that if i use the
method, i just set the state of the event to signaled but i see no way of
quering this and find it's state so i can understand that it is completed
, and the WaitAll and WaitAny stuff just blocks my T1 so all or any Tn
finishes it's job.

But how i can automate this procedure and each thread notify the main T1
the completion of it's job ??

the following is from the msdn help:

using System;
using System.Threading;

public sealed class App {
// Define an array with two AutoResetEvent WaitHandles.
static WaitHandle[] waitHandles = new WaitHandle[] {
new AutoResetEvent(false),
new AutoResetEvent(false)

// Define a random number generator for testing.
static Random r = new Random();

static void Main() {
AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false);

// Queue up two tasks on two different threads;
// wait until all tasks are completed.
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("Main thread is waiting for BOTH tasks to complete.");
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(DoTask), waitHandles[0]);
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(DoTask), waitHandles[1]);

// The time shown below should match the longest task.
Console.WriteLine("Both tasks are completed (time waited={0})",
(DateTime.Now - dt).TotalMilliseconds);

// Queue up two tasks on two different threads;
// wait until any tasks are completed.
dt = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("The main thread is waiting for either task to
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(DoTask), waitHandles[0]);
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(DoTask), waitHandles[1]);

int index = WaitHandle.WaitAny(waitHandles);
// The time shown below should match the shortest task.
Console.WriteLine("Task {0} finished first (time waited={1}).",
index + 1, (DateTime.Now - dt).TotalMilliseconds);

static void DoTask(Object state) {
AutoResetEvent are = (AutoResetEvent) state;
int time = 1000 * r.Next(2, 10);
Console.WriteLine("Performing a task for {0} milliseconds.", time);

thanks in advance fro any help



thanks for the reply.
The reason i cannot do what you suggest me, is that i want to keep track
from the main
thread of all the threads that i spawn, so to be able to stop a thread that
it stalls.
This is a runtime system i have build and there is a possibility for a give
request to
stall, that is, come into an endless loop and the Tn will be live forever.

So, i have to keep track of them and i want to identify and stop a nasty
This is the reason that i must keep track of the threads and they have to
notify, somehow,
the T1 for their completion status.

Imagine that every thread that i spawn, belongs to an array and when
it finish it's job, i remove it from the array.
Threads that remain in the array for a specified time, are consinered
"nasty" and
will be stop and removed from there...

Any thoughts on this ?

thanks again!

Nicholas Paldino said:

Instead of using events and whatnot, why not just have the DoWork
method call a function at the end to indicate that the task is done, and
then perform whatever work you need to do at that point? Unless you have
a thread somewhere else waiting on the fact that these tasks are done
(which you probably don't since you are servicing requests in separate
threads anyways), you shouldn't have a need for waiting on events.

Hope this helps.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

objectref said:
hi to all folks,

i want to create the following senario:
i have a T1 (Thread 1) that acts like http server that receives incoming
From that T1, i want to spawn from T1 to Tn thread jobs and beeing able
to be
notified when each of these threads finished it's job.

I would like to implement it with the functionality of the ThreadPool,
i also looked at WaitHandle, WaitAny etc etc.

I also noticed from the msdn example that if i use the
method, i just set the state of the event to signaled but i see no way of
quering this and find it's state so i can understand that it is completed
, and the WaitAll and WaitAny stuff just blocks my T1 so all or any Tn
finishes it's job.

But how i can automate this procedure and each thread notify the main T1
the completion of it's job ??

the following is from the msdn help:

using System;
using System.Threading;

public sealed class App {
// Define an array with two AutoResetEvent WaitHandles.
static WaitHandle[] waitHandles = new WaitHandle[] {
new AutoResetEvent(false),
new AutoResetEvent(false)

// Define a random number generator for testing.
static Random r = new Random();

static void Main() {
AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false);

// Queue up two tasks on two different threads;
// wait until all tasks are completed.
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("Main thread is waiting for BOTH tasks to complete.");
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(DoTask), waitHandles[0]);
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(DoTask), waitHandles[1]);

// The time shown below should match the longest task.
Console.WriteLine("Both tasks are completed (time waited={0})",
(DateTime.Now - dt).TotalMilliseconds);

// Queue up two tasks on two different threads;
// wait until any tasks are completed.
dt = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("The main thread is waiting for either task to
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(DoTask), waitHandles[0]);
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(DoTask), waitHandles[1]);

int index = WaitHandle.WaitAny(waitHandles);
// The time shown below should match the shortest task.
Console.WriteLine("Task {0} finished first (time waited={1}).",
index + 1, (DateTime.Now - dt).TotalMilliseconds);

static void DoTask(Object state) {
AutoResetEvent are = (AutoResetEvent) state;
int time = 1000 * r.Next(2, 10);
Console.WriteLine("Performing a task for {0} milliseconds.", time);

thanks in advance fro any help

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