about isolated storage


Tony Johansson


I mean that the functionality is the same if you use IsolatedStorage or
store in the 'My Documents' folder
The only difference is that when you use IsolatedStorage the folders that
are created for you seems to have some
randomize named directories.


Arne Vajhøj

I mean that the functionality is the same if you use IsolatedStorage or
store in the 'My Documents' folder
The only difference is that when you use IsolatedStorage the folders that
are created for you seems to have some
randomize named directories.

Eventually everything file related is just some files in some dir
on some disk.

But IsolatedStorage provide some convenience over manual
naming schemes and some built in security.




Once again it depends on the context.

If you are writing a Windows app you probably won't care about Isolated

If you are writing a web deployed application (Silverlight or ClickOnce),
using isolated storage allows to give your application a storage location
without allowing it to write everywhere on the hard drive for safety


I tried using isolated storage for a long time in real-world apps, and
it's basically a pain in the a---. Sooner or later, you can't
actually find the settings when you need to. How is this helpful?

After intermittent hassles for a number of months, I changed all my
code so that it always writes settings to a known location. You have
to be careful with permissions, but at least you can debug by looking
at log files.

Arne Vajhøj

I tried using isolated storage for a long time in real-world apps, and
it's basically a pain in the a---. Sooner or later, you can't
actually find the settings when you need to. How is this helpful?

After intermittent hassles for a number of months, I changed all my
code so that it always writes settings to a known location. You have
to be careful with permissions, but at least you can debug by looking
at log files.

Like most technologies it is appropriate for something and not
appropriate for other things.

It did not fit your requirements, but it could still fit nicely with
others requirements.



"harborsparrow" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de groupe de
discussion :
(e-mail address removed)...
I tried using isolated storage for a long time in real-world apps, and
it's basically a pain in the a---. Sooner or later, you can't
actually find the settings when you need to. How is this helpful?

After intermittent hassles for a number of months, I changed all my
code so that it always writes settings to a known location. You have
to be careful with permissions, but at least you can debug by looking
at log files.

Once again this is intended for web deployed application that are just not
allowed to write where you want on the disk. For example Silverlight

I agree that Isolated Storage is useless for Windows Application. What I
tried to say is that it still usefull when you are in a case where this is
usefull ;-) This is not a replacement for wirting to "'MyDocuments". This is
just something else...

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