Abort Forced Reboot



I am writing an application which will install a number of updates
(silently) as well as installing Norton and Spysweeper silently.
Problem is that after spysweeper installs, it performs a forced reboot
of the PC. How would I abort the FORCED shutdown?

Newbie Coder

Check to see if there are any command line arguments you can use to stop

InitializeSystemShutdown API is what you need to look for

On the http://www.gotdotnet.com code samples is a piece of code that stops
Windows shutdown

Newbie Coder


Command line arguments do not work... They stop normal shutdowns, but
cannot abort a forced shutdown...


i would start with

a) not using crappy ass 3rd party software
and then
b) not using crappy ass 3rd party software

I'm dead ****ing serious.

catch a clue; norton is the least secure solution


i would start with

a) not using crappy ass 3rd party software
and then
b) not using crappy ass 3rd party software

I'm dead ****ing serious.

catch a clue; norton is the least secure solution

Wow, next time you have a biased opinion that has nothing to do with
the subject at hand, please, do me a favor, keep it to yourself. I
didn't ask for an opinion on the software that was being installed, but
as how to abort a forced shutdown.

Bruce W. Darby


Aaron is a troll. 'tis best to ignore him and I'm sure someone who can
answer your question will stop by soon with a 'constructive' option.


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