A weird event id: 4609 and a unlikely solution



All began with a red x in the event viewer with this data:
Event ID:4609 with HRESULT C0000005 in line 44 of
I did know that in my D: drive there was no directory called QXP_SLP and it
appeared every time in the startup. Refreshed the local policies in Create
Global Policies and Impersonate a client after authentication (removing and
then adding SERVICE account) , making the Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
Properties log on in Local System Account, and even was beguinning to
consider a Repair Install, (until i discovered that to put the system top
notch , I would have to download 120 patches) But, then , decided to dust the
computer , after that the computer freezed at startup. So, went to the BIOS
and shorted the memory (Some computers, when you add a card or a device and
freezed, can erase the memory where the devices are stored) restarted , and
the ethernet card didn´t appeared. But, there is no event 4609 in the event
viewer. So, the ethernet card was dying and in its last rattles was making
events 4609. Well, a new ethernet card, then.


"So, went to the BIOS
and shorted the memory (Some computers, when you add a card or a device and
freezed, can erase the memory where the devices are stored)"

If I were you, I wouldn't try that too much. It can cause very bad things to
happen to a PC. (Assuming that you were adding a card when the PC was powered


I think he meant that he reset the BIOS when he said shorted. I have done it
many times and have never had a problem. That's why they put the jumper there
in the first place.


Ok, if he was talking about the jumper, then that is fine. I was thinking he
was shorting with a pci/agp/isa card or something. It's still not good if he
shorts with the jumper while the power is on.

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