A tricky macro -



Hi guys

I do believe I will need help by real experts on this one.

Im going through reports to find if there is any credits(Column A) and
debits(Column B) which counter eachother off.

i.e. Credit of 1000 will counter off a Debit of 1000

However the tricky part is that, several Credits can counter off a
Debit or the other way around.

i.e Credit of 200 + a credit of 300 + a credit of 500 = 1000
can counter off a debit of 1000

When the macro finds a match, I want it to copy the rows and past them
in order in another sheet. Take the example above as an example, there
will be 3 rows (credit) and 1 row from(debit).

Then delete these in ActiveSheet.

Is this possible.. ?

Bernie Deitrick


There is code available that could be used to solve this, but how well it would work depends on how
many debits and credits you have. If you have other identifying data to narrow down which credits
can be applied to which debits, that would help to reduce the size of the problem.

Also, you would be amazed at the number of combinations that can be used to make up a specific
number from a fairly small data set, so it is unlikely that you will be able to find unique
solutions anyway. A recent post had a list of 24 numbers, and four combinations added up the
specific number the OP had in mind.....

MS Excel MVP


Possible yes... Not quite as tricky as you may think. you need to keep
track of the list of unique Items (say account XXX) and Sum all values
related to Account XXX provided that summing a debit is adding a negative
number to the total of Account XXX. If after all data has been accumulated
and you go through the totals, if an account is offset, you would copy all
the rows that were used to create the sum and then delete all the applicable
rows. If you set up a class module, you can do this. Your class module to
track all of the data for the accounts. Basically you would create an array
of the class module so that you could reference/review each accoun. The
class module would contain a list (array) of the rows in which that account
is found, and the sum of the balance on that account. Now in the class
module you would also want some helper information, like number of rows for
account, and get total of the account.

Now, the hard part... at least to remember, is that because the row would be
stored as a number, when you go to delete the row(s) you must start from the
end of your list and work your way to the beginning. You almost need to also
create a separate sorted list of all the rows that will be deleted after you
have collected all of your offset data. Then start at the back of the list
and delete each row (provided that the last row is added to the end of the
data.) A fast way to create this list, would be to insert into a worksheet
each row number, then sort the list, and populate an array, or just use the
list to delete each row.

I've provided "pseudocode" the next thing is to implement/program. Think
you can handle that? If not, maybe I or someone else can help.


My VBA skills are becoming quite good, and Im using it extensivly at
work. But I have to say that most of what you two are talking about
sounds difficult...

I haven't used arrayes or class module before, etc etc...

would any of you kind of show a start of a code so I get guided on the
right track.... then Ill work on it a bit myself and come back with my
results and problems later...

Remember there are negative numbers too

Bernie Deitrick

Here's the code, follow the instructions, and run FindSums.

MS Excel MVP

Option Explicit
'This *REQUIRES* VBAProject references to
'Microsoft Scripting Runtime
'Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 1.0
'Written by Harlan Grove

Sub FindSums()
Const TOL As Double = 0.000001 'modify as needed
Dim c As Variant

Dim j As Long, k As Long, n As Long, p As Boolean
Dim s As String, t As Double, u As Double
Dim v As Variant, x As Variant, y As Variant
Dim dc1 As New Dictionary, dc2 As New Dictionary
Dim dcn As Dictionary, dco As Dictionary
Dim re As New RegExp

re.Global = True
re.IgnoreCase = True

On Error Resume Next

Set x = Application.InputBox( _
Prompt:="Enter range of values:", _
Title:="findsums", _
Default:="", _
Type:=8 _

If x Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If

y = Application.InputBox( _
Prompt:="Enter target value:", _
Title:="findsums", _
Default:="", _
Type:=1 _

If VarType(y) = vbBoolean Then
Exit Sub
t = y
End If

On Error GoTo 0

Set dco = dc1
Set dcn = dc2

Call recsoln

For Each y In x.Value2
If VarType(y) = vbDouble Then
If Abs(t - y) < TOL Then
recsoln "+" & Format(y)

ElseIf dco.Exists(y) Then
dco(y) = dco(y) + 1

ElseIf y < t - TOL Then
dco.Add Key:=y, Item:=1

c = CDec(c + 1)
Application.StatusBar = "[1] " & Format(c)

End If

End If
Next y

n = dco.Count

ReDim v(1 To n, 1 To 3)

For k = 1 To n
v(k, 1) = dco.Keys(k - 1)
v(k, 2) = dco.Items(k - 1)
Next k

qsortd v, 1, n

For k = n To 1 Step -1
v(k, 3) = v(k, 1) * v(k, 2) + v(IIf(k = n, n, k + 1), 3)
If v(k, 3) > t Then dcn.Add Key:="+" & Format(v(k, 1)), Item:=v(k, 1)
Next k

On Error GoTo CleanUp
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

For k = 2 To n
swapo dco, dcn

For Each y In dco.Keys
p = False

For j = 1 To n
If v(j, 3) < t - dco(y) - TOL Then Exit For

x = v(j, 1)
s = "+" & Format(x)
If Right(y, Len(s)) = s Then p = True

If p Then
re.Pattern = "\" & s & "(?=(\+|$))"
If re.Execute(y).Count < v(j, 2) Then
u = dco(y) + x

If Abs(t - u) < TOL Then
recsoln y & s

ElseIf u < t - TOL Then
dcn.Add Key:=y & s, Item:=u

c = CDec(c + 1)
Application.StatusBar = "[" & Format(k) & "] " & Format(c)

End If
End If
End If
Next j
Next y

If dcn.Count = 0 Then Exit For
Next k

If (recsoln() = 0) Then _
MsgBox Prompt:="all combinations exhausted", Title:="No Solution"

Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.StatusBar = False

End Sub

Private Function recsoln(Optional s As String)
Const OUTPUTWSN As String = "findsums solutions" 'modify to taste

Static r As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet

If s = "" And r Is Nothing Then
On Error Resume Next
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(OUTPUTWSN)

If ws Is Nothing Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set r = Worksheets.Add.Range("A1")
r.Parent.Name = OUTPUTWSN
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Set r = ws.Range("A1")

End If

recsoln = 0

ElseIf s = "" Then
recsoln = r.Row - 1
Set r = Nothing

r.Value = s
Set r = r.Offset(1, 0)
recsoln = r.Row - 1

End If

End Function

Private Sub qsortd(v As Variant, lft As Long, rgt As Long)
'ad hoc quicksort subroutine
'translated from Aho, Weinberger & Kernighan,
'"The Awk Programming Language", page 161

Dim j As Long, pvt As Long

If (lft >= rgt) Then Exit Sub

swap2 v, lft, lft + Int((rgt - lft + 1) * Rnd)

pvt = lft

For j = lft + 1 To rgt
If v(j, 1) > v(lft, 1) Then
pvt = pvt + 1
swap2 v, pvt, j
End If
Next j

swap2 v, lft, pvt

qsortd v, lft, pvt - 1
qsortd v, pvt + 1, rgt
End Sub

Private Sub swap2(v As Variant, i As Long, j As Long)
'modified version of the swap procedure from
'translated from Aho, Weinberger & Kernighan,
'"The Awk Programming Language", page 161

Dim t As Variant, k As Long

For k = LBound(v, 2) To UBound(v, 2)
t = v(i, k)
v(i, k) = v(j, k)
v(j, k) = t
Next k
End Sub

Private Sub swapo(a As Object, b As Object)
Dim t As Object

Set t = a
Set a = b
Set b = t
End Sub
'---- end VBA code ----


I get an error when I run it, is says that "New dictionary" is not

Does this have to do with this:

'This *REQUIRES* VBAProject references to
'Microsoft Scripting Runtime
'Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 1.0
'Written by Harlan Grove

Bernie Deitrick: Did you write this macro now just for me?

Dave Peterson


Click on tools|references and select those that Harlan/Bernie indicated.



I can now run this macro... thank you to Dave Peterson..

But I don't understand what this macro actually does.. Can someone
explaine a bit more in detail. Thanks

Bernie Deitrick


Only Harlan _really_ understands it... the rest of us just use it to get
results. ;-)

Basically, it sorts the values, then picks different values to try to add
together to get to the total. If it overshoots, it goes back and tries other
combinations, by deleting one or more values from the possibilities, to
allow other values to be tried. If you want to see how it works, step
through the macro (using F8) and input three values 1, 2, and 3, and ask
that the total it finds be 5.



This sounds like it's beyond what he's trying to do. I thought what he was
trying to do, was that if all items exactly offset each other then get rid of
them, not just minimize the list to the best possible.

Did I misunderstand the original question/intent?
(I realize it had to do with financial matters, and credits and debits don't
always equal 0 as much as we would like them to. :) )


Let me know here by starting a new thread off of my earlier post if you are
still interested in learning about Class Modules and/or Arrays. Looks like
you are well on your way to what you want, based on all of the feedback that
has been provided. And don't worry I take rejection just fine. :)

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