A Tick in Snapshot



I have copied a "Tick" symbol from Word in Access Report and export the
report into snapshot format. The "Tick" has become a question mark in
snapshot format.
Is there any other way to add a "Tick" in access report and report it into
snapshot format?


What if you were to bring it in from Character Map? (Assuming it is
available in Character Map...)


I have tired it as well but it doesn't work

Sharkbyte said:
What if you were to bring it in from Character Map? (Assuming it is
available in Character Map...)

Brendan Reynolds

Depends on the font you use. There's a tick character in the WingDings font.
Here's an example that displays a tick using a label control ...

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Me.Label1.FontName = "WingDings"
Me.Label1.FontSize = 42
Me.Label1.Caption = Chr$(&HFC)

End Sub

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