a simple v-look up formula problem



Someone has set up a simple look up formula for me. I see "v-lookup" in
the formula.
Basically it's a two sheet workbook, sheet one is the master list with a
column of part numbers. Two columns next to it are descriptions. Sheet two
also has three columns. In the first column I enter a part number and the
next two columns fill in automatically the descriptions.
For some reason when I import an updated list of data into the master list,
there are part numbers that don't result in a description....the cells are
left blank. There is one block of 30 numbers that doesn't result in a
description, as well as some others scattered through out. I can't figure
it out.
I know how to copy a formula, so it's not the cell that is the problem...it
the actual number.

Earl Kiosterud


Give use some specifics. Pick a VLOOKUP that's failing, paste the formula
into your post, tell us what it's looking for (first column cell), and
exactly what's in the row it should be locating in sheet 1. Be sure to
indicate whether it's numeric or text.

Niek Otten

Most likely the part numbers you download are text, although they may look
like numbers.

Copy an empty cell, select your "numbers", Edit>Paste Special, check Add.


Kind Regards,

Niek Otten

Microsoft MVP - Excel

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