A really messy problem.


Roger Neilson

Some of this has been posted before, but its now got terribly messy so
i will try to explain the situation.

My son, no longer living at home but some 300 miles away bought a new
Ipod and discovered when he unpacked it it did not work with Windows
ME. He then went to PC World and purchased an upgrade to Windows XP
Home. He upgraded and despite some initial problems this worked fine.
However he has been unable to connect via his ADSL modem, it hangs the
computer every time he tries to and he has to reboot. he has tried to
uninstall, reinstall the modem software but to no avail. On contacting
support at his internet provider he was told that this is simply fixed
by installing service pack1. During the initial XP install it reported
that the modem was not compatible with XP.

Now I would have thought these days that any new Windows XP packs had
service pack 1 on the CD with them - but it does not appear so. On
checking there is no sign of service Pack 1 being installed as part of
his upgrade to XP.

He was then stuck with no way of getting Service Pack 1 as he cannot
connect to download it. I enquired on here and was told there was a
way for me to download and save it and to download the Service pack
for network installations. I did this no problem and posted it off to

He has tried to install it today, it came up with a Knowledge base
article reference Q327120 which we checked and found wasn't a problem.
It extracts all files and asks for his choice of archive/don't archive
- he has tried both options here...he gets about half way through the
install and it reports a set up error, and then the computer just

I am sure you'd like more information, but this is not easy being at
the other end of a phone and trying to keep all this noted down.

My questions are:

1. What might be the problem with this service pack install? It said
that it was suitable for both XP Home and Pro when I downloaded it
from Microsoft. Could it be a faulty CD burn?
2. Should the XP Home disc not have had service pack on anyway to
install... how can the disc be checked for this or should he just take
it back to PC World?
3. Does it make any sense that the reason for the ADSL modem not
working is related to the Service pack not being installed?

I have suggested he thinks abut returning the XP pack to the shop and
requesting one that definitely has the service pack on it. i have also
suggested that he thinks about simply going out and buying a new modem
or router for the ADSL connection that is XP compatible.

Apologies for the length of this, but he's being driven mad by the
issue and really i feel pretty helpless being at the other end of the

Cheers for any help or thoughts


Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Roger,

Whether or not SP1 is included in any distribution is simply a matter of
luck. Basically, it depends on the dealer and how quickly they turn over
their stock. There is no guarantee that it will or will not be included.

Some thoughts on his problem:

- Yes, it could be a bad download or burn.
- Is he disabling antivirus software first?
- Is he shutting off other sother software as well?

Yes, the unit could be reliant on certain file support. It may require the
presence of versions not found in Pre-SP1 WindowsXP.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

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