A number of auto filters in one sheet.



A number of auto filters in one sheet. I suggest let Microsoft make, that it
is possible to use Auto filter in Excel to more than one table in next
Offices. For example, if I want to use Auto filters for 3-4 tables together
in one sheet. Thanks. Janis.

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Dave Peterson

If you're using xl2003, you may want to look at Data|List.

xl2007 has the equivalent (I _think_ it changed names, though).

Personally, I like to put different tables on different sheets. I think
segregating the data is a good idea--for the most part.

Dave Peterson

Maybe someday. Who knows?

But data|list does have lots of similarities with data|filter|autofilter--just
in case you didn't look at it.

Gord Dibben

Data>List sets up separate tables on a sheet.

Each table has its own autofilter.

Did you try it if you have Excel 2003 or 2007?

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Of course, I tried!

It seems I must write more precise. I do not need auto filters for ordinary
table. I need auto filter for complicated tables. I need option, what let me
sort data both vertically , and horizontally together. And also sometimes, if
I have, for example, in one column 3 rows (underrows) or columns
(undercolumns), I need let I can change, for example, only one position (let
every pane in the table have separate arrow), what do not affect other
data-arrows-auto filters!I need ,let I can combine each pane both separate,
and together with other data!
P.S. Is it possible to add picture to this forum, let it would be easier?

Dave Peterson

This is a text only newsgroup.

You can find a spot on the internet like www.savefile.com to post binary files.

Be aware that lots of people won't bother going off to another site (but some

You may want to try explaining what you need again in plain text. I know I
don't have any idea what underrows or undercolumns are.

But if having multiple ranges with Data|filter|autofilter applied is the only
thing that will work for you, then you're out of luck. Excel doesn't support


I am here too long. I only wanted to know- is it possible to use a number of
auto filters in ONE table in any direction (vertically ,horizontally, and one
at a time -let get that list only for ONE PANE.) It is not possible. That
all. Bye!

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