A newbie question re: Forms - Input and Output from an Excel Worksheet



I need to use a simple form to input data. The data input goes on to
do some calculations.I would like the resulting calculations to appear
on the form.

For example:

Data input in Form: Cost of Handset: $300, Margin: 50%, Lease period:
3 years.

Calculations ( either in form or in worksheet):
1.Selling Price = Cost *(1+margin)
2.Lease Cost = PMT(7%,Lease Period*12,-Selling Price)

Information required as output on Form: Lease Cost

I did try a couple of books like the Walkenbach one but could not find
how to send the information back from the wroksheet to the form.

Also, how do I disable users form scrolling off the on-screen form.
Windows Freeze pane does not seem to work across computers. Moreover,
that is not covered by Protect Sheet or Protect Workbook.

Could some one please help me or point me to a link where I can find
the relevant information.

Thanks in advance,


2 Options

put 3 text boxes 2 labels and 1 command button on your form

Textbox1 =Cost of Handse
Textbox2=Margin (as whole number
Textbox3=Lease perio
Label1= Selling Pric
Label2= Lease Cos
CmdBtn1= Calculat

in the click event of CmdBtn1 put this

Private sub CmdBtn1_Click(
Label1.caption = CvLong(textbox1.text) *(1 + CvLong(textbox2.text/100)
Label2.caption = PMT(7,cvlong(textbox3.text)*12,-cvlong(label1.caption)) <= I just followed what u ha
End sub

OR You could also disregard the 3 textboxes and pull from the cells using
Private sub CmdBtn1_Click(
dim t1 as long, t2 as long, t3 as lntege
t1 = Range("A1"
t2= Range("A2"
t3= Range("A3"
Label1.caption = CvLong(t1) *(1 + CvLong(t2/100)
Label2.caption = PMT(7,cvlong(t3)*12,-cvlong(label1.caption)) <= I just followed what u ha
End sub

----- NewRipper wrote: ----

I need to use a simple form to input data. The data input goes on t
do some calculations.I would like the resulting calculations to appea
on the form

For example:

Data input in Form: Cost of Handset: $300, Margin: 50%, Lease period
3 years

Calculations ( either in form or in worksheet):
1.Selling Price = Cost *(1+margin
2.Lease Cost = PMT(7%,Lease Period*12,-Selling Price

Information required as output on Form: Lease Cos

I did try a couple of books like the Walkenbach one but could not fin
how to send the information back from the wroksheet to the form

Also, how do I disable users form scrolling off the on-screen form
Windows Freeze pane does not seem to work across computers. Moreover
that is not covered by Protect Sheet or Protect Workbook

Could some one please help me or point me to a link where I can fin
the relevant information

Thanks in advance


----- chris wrote: ----

2 Options

put 3 text boxes 2 labels and 1 command button on your form

Textbox1 =Cost of Handse
Textbox2=Margin (as whole number
Textbox3=Lease perio
Label1= Selling Pric
Label2= Lease Cos
CmdBtn1= Calculat

in the click event of CmdBtn1 put this

Private sub CmdBtn1_Click(
Label1.caption = CvLong(textbox1.text) *(1 + CvLong(textbox2.text/100)
Label2.caption = PMT(7,cvlong(textbox3.text)*12,-cvlong(label1.caption)) <= I just followed what u ha
End sub

OR You could also disregard the 3 textboxes and pull from the cells using
Private sub CmdBtn1_Click(
dim t1 as long, t2 as long, t3 as lntege
t1 = Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Name).Range("A1"
t2 = Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Name).Range("A2"
t3 = Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Name).Range("A3"
Label1.caption = CvLong(t1) *(1 + CvLong(t2/100)
Label2.caption = PMT(7,cvlong(t3)*12,-cvlong(label1.caption)) <= I just followed what u ha
End sub

----- NewRipper wrote: ----

I need to use a simple form to input data. The data input goes on t
do some calculations.I would like the resulting calculations to appea
on the form

For example:

Data input in Form: Cost of Handset: $300, Margin: 50%, Lease period
3 years

Calculations ( either in form or in worksheet):
1.Selling Price = Cost *(1+margin
2.Lease Cost = PMT(7%,Lease Period*12,-Selling Price

Information required as output on Form: Lease Cos

I did try a couple of books like the Walkenbach one but could not fin
how to send the information back from the wroksheet to the form

Also, how do I disable users form scrolling off the on-screen form
Windows Freeze pane does not seem to work across computers. Moreover
that is not covered by Protect Sheet or Protect Workbook

Could some one please help me or point me to a link where I can fin
the relevant information

Thanks in advance

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