ændre datoformat ved brevfletning i access



NÃ¥r jeg laver brevfletning med en database i access, udskriver den datoformat
f.eks. 6/9 2008 og det betyder datoen 9. juni 2008. Jeg ønsker at udskrive
datoen i brevfletningen enten som 9/6 2008 eller 9. juni 2008. Dette sker kun
i databasen, men ikke ved brevfletning.... Kan nogen hjælpe

Tom van Stiphout

On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 15:00:01 -0800, saf

We can try, if you can write in English.


It seems I have a similar problem - allthough in Word and not in Access.

The problem that saf described was:

Whn merging letters in an Access database, the format of the date is set to
4/9/06 (US standards with M-D-YY) - however I am looking for a different
format like DD/MM/YYYY or D. month year. This happens only in the database
not when merging the letter - any help...

Now my problem:

When merging letters in Word, based on an Excel sheet I have a simila
problem - that the date-format shows in the wrong "country code" - and it
appears I cannot "overwrite" this in the setup.

I believe that it could have an influence on the international
"countrycodes" in the settings - but since this is my work-laptop I have no
administration rights (even if I think the format it set to Danish standards
instead of US English!!!)

Looking forward to help from enyone

"Tom van Stiphout" skrev:

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