A little help please....



I am really new to this .Net stuff, but I am wondering if you can help me
with a webservice issue.

I have 15 locations that need to access a webservice.

The webservice accepts XML and returns an xml response immediately.

The webservice we subscribe to will only take info from a single IP address,
so I need to create a sort of proxy at our main office that relays the XML
input and responses from and back to our locations.

The "proxy" should work like this..... The "proxy" would have its own
public webservice that allows our 15 locations to send XML to it.

Each location would send XML to our "proxy" like it was the actual
webservice and wait for a response from the "proxy".

The "proxy" should take the XML from the calling location, send it to the
actual webservice, get a response and send the un-altered response to the
calling location as a response to its call to the "proxy's" webservice.

Questions are.....(1) how do I keep the connection open to the calling
location while the webservice queries the actual webservice? and (2) how
would the "proxy" webservice create an object that can query the actual

Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

John Timney \(MVP\)

What your asking about is sometimes referred to as a service chain.

Your public webservice is just as capable of calling another webservice as
part of its method execution as a remote client is in calling your public
method, so chain your webservice methods together so when one of your 15
clients calls your webservice, the method they call actually calls the web
service that permits only 1 IP address. This also holds the connection open
for you as long as you dont try to make it an asynchronous method call.

I would suggest you read up a bit more on what webservices are and how they
work. This is a good link to help you on your way:



John Timney (MVP)

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