A good sound system

Jul 5, 2002
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Hello people...

Can anyone recommend a good 2.1 sound system for the PC? The one i wanted are only sold in the states! But there must be some good UK sound systems around...Cheers!!
1) By 2.1 you mean a pair of speaker and subwoofer?

2) Have you short listed anything?

3) What is your budget?

4) You need the system mainly for the games or music? An all rounder?
Yup, 2 speakers and sub for the nice deep base. I was looking at the 'Altec 621' 3 piece set but i was wondering what people would suggest...my budget is around £200 - i want to get a decent system for mainly music (to replace my hi-fi when i'm at university). My Uni room isn't big enough for 5.1, plus i'd have wires all over the place, so i'm looking for a good 2.1 system

Can you help?

Altec is a good brand of speakers and I have no hesitation in saying GO FOR IT.

Buying computer speakers is not the same as buying speakers for the hifi. When you buy hifi speakers you do have the option of auditioning them, this option is not really available when it comes to computer speakers.

The other important thing to consider is the sound card. If you have a good sound card, it will do full justice to the speakers you get. If you have a very ordinary sound card, I am afraid the the investment in more expesive or higher end speakers would not be justified.

Which sound card you have installed in your system?

I have the Audigy installed in my system and prior to that I was using the SB LIVE. My system is comprising of a NAD amp and Mission speakers. I could never get full satisfaction from the normal computer speakers. So I use this orthodox way of achieving the synergy.

If you like you can check out my article I wrote for a website sometime back to get the idea. Go........here

If you have more questions, feel free to ask.
Hi Quadophile,

That artical you wrote was interesting, your obviously an expert, so i'm going to ask you a few more questions :D

I think i'll go for the 621's for my uni room, but like you mentioned, i need a good sound card too... would you recommend the 'SoundBlaster Audigy' for my 2.1 setup? I really want good sound quailty, do you also think its worth getting an amp?

Thanks for the info!

Originally posted by pc_god
would you recommend the 'SoundBlaster Audigy' for my 2.1 setup? I really want good sound quailty, do you also think its worth getting an amp?

To be very honest using the Audigy just for 2.1 setup may be an over kill by somebody's standard. However, I use the card just for that purpose and I have no regrets. I rarely use it for surround sound. If you plan to upgrade later to say adding a surround or even going 5.1 route this will come handy. Mind you Audigy does not support passive speakers, it has a line out and you either need an amp or powered speakers to use it. Its does support headphones but one rated at 32 ohms, higher impedence phones will work but not give enough volume.

As for an amp yes, why not, you can always add that and buy passive speakers instead. It sure will blow away the computer speaker in the same price bracket. You may check out some good used amps, even NAD is a very good choice. NAD with a rating of 25-30 watts and a pair of speakers used would cost you under 200 bucks. It all depends if you want to go that route. I know you can find good condition NAD amps for as little as 75 bucks (sorry my keyboard does not suport UK currency but that is what I meant). You can also consider bookshelf speakers for say 100-125 bucks (new). Some of the good brands you should consider are Mission, B&W, Tannoy etc. Your system will than be able to give you much better sound compared to fancy looking computer speakers.

All this I am suggesting because you opted for 2.1. If you had opted for 5.1 I would never suggest this as the etire system would be a bit costly compared to a package of computer speakers. You have to make that choice yourself, I can only suggest.

I hope it helps, come back if you need further assistance.
Thanks for the info Quad! I've just bought the Audigy, if i find i have room for 5.1 i might upgrade next year but 2.1 will be fine for now. I'm off to do some amp shopping now :D and then down the local SoundGallery.

Thanks! ;)