A good reason to use FireFox



With Microsoft blocking people from getting updates using the Windows
Genuine Validation Tool, it's now more than ever necessary to use

Browsing the Internet with unupdated Internet Explorer is begging to
get a virus. So, If microsoft is blocking you from accessing
updates.... Download firefox now...!!! http://www.firefox.com

Very annoying Windows Genuine Validation tool by the way.

Shenan Stanley

With Microsoft blocking people from getting updates using the
Windows Genuine Validation Tool, it's now more than ever necessary
to use FireFox.

That has got to be the lamest reason I have ever heard.
Browsing the Internet with unupdated Internet Explorer is begging to
get a virus. So, If microsoft is blocking you from accessing
updates.... Download firefox now...!!! http://www.firefox.com

"unupdated"? OH! "Not Updated". Gotcha.

Yes - browsing the internet without the proper protection is stupid/moronic.
It's not really "begging to get a virus", maybe "asking for trouble"..
However - you still get critical updates whether or not you have WGA
installed. Therefore - since 99% of security updates that could result in
such trouble are critical updates - you still have everything you need to
surf the web safely. Although I still recommend third-party tools.

Security is *not* an exclusive reason to run Firefox over Internet Explorer.
Being a better browser, offering features that the end-user likes/needs,
etc - those are reasons. An unprotected/uninitiated user will get infected
using Firefox just about as easily as they would using Internet Explorer.
Very annoying Windows Genuine Validation tool by the way.

No doubt. It can be very annoying to those it catches and those it falsely

Dave Cohen

Shenan said:
That has got to be the lamest reason I have ever heard.

"unupdated"? OH! "Not Updated". Gotcha.

Yes - browsing the internet without the proper protection is stupid/moronic.
It's not really "begging to get a virus", maybe "asking for trouble"..
However - you still get critical updates whether or not you have WGA
installed. Therefore - since 99% of security updates that could result in
such trouble are critical updates - you still have everything you need to
surf the web safely. Although I still recommend third-party tools.

Security is *not* an exclusive reason to run Firefox over Internet Explorer.
Being a better browser, offering features that the end-user likes/needs,
etc - those are reasons. An unprotected/uninitiated user will get infected
using Firefox just about as easily as they would using Internet Explorer.

No doubt. It can be very annoying to those it catches and those it falsely
I switched to Thunderbird because OE started giving me a problem with
ng's. I tried Firefox. The best reason to use either is they both
support a reminder/to do list extension. If you configure correctly you
can share the files between them. Firefox has other features that make
it desirable, like tabs.
Dave Cohen
Dave Cohen


With Microsoft blocking people from getting updates using the Windows
Genuine Validation Tool, it's now more than ever necessary to use

Browsing the Internet with unupdated Internet Explorer is begging to
get a virus. So, If microsoft is blocking you from accessing
updates.... Download firefox now...!!! http://www.firefox.com

Very annoying Windows Genuine Validation tool by the way.

Good try, but lame. No, the best reason to use Firefox is hatred of
Microsoft (especially if Windows was purchased at Wal-Mart during the Bush
administration from a clerk vaguely resembling Ann Coulter).

See "Microsoft Derangement Syndrome"


Scroll down to #1.

Travis King

This is why MS is playing catchup with Firefox and is putting tabbed
browsing into IE7 & IE7+. IE is also losing support to Firefox. (The
overwhelming majority is still using IE, but more and more are using
Firefox.) I do think Firefox takes a little longer to load than IE6
(although it loads faster than IE7) and eats more RAM, but after having a
couple of tabs open in Firefox versus having several instances of IE open,
you'll see the difference. One of the main reasons at first that I switched
to Firefox was stability. I was so fed up with IE crashing all the time
that I finally decided to look at alternatives and ran across Firefox. I've
been using Firefox since October/November of 2004 and will never go back.
Firefox has only crashed once since I've began using it (It only crashed
thanks to the very unstable Adobe Reader.) whereas IE crashed on me almost
on a daily basis. Now on an older, slower computer, use IE but on anything
4 years and newer, use Firefox. I've also had less spyware and popups with
Firefox than IE6 SP2. Even here on my Windows Vista Beta 2 partition, I'm
using Firefox 90% of the time for web browsing. And rumor has it, the WGA
is eventually going to have a kill switch built in, so if it *thinks* your
computer is not genuine even if it is, it will shut you down in 30 days. I
think MS needs to fix all the issues with WGA first, as there are a lot of
people out there that WGA thinks their computers are not legit when they

Enigmatic Thinker

Travis said:
This is why MS is playing catchup with Firefox and is putting tabbed
browsing into IE7 & IE7+. IE is also losing support to Firefox. (The
overwhelming majority is still using IE, but more and more are using
Firefox.) I do think Firefox takes a little longer to load than IE6
(although it loads faster than IE7) and eats more RAM, but after having a
couple of tabs open in Firefox versus having several instances of IE open,
you'll see the difference. One of the main reasons at first that I switched
to Firefox was stability. I was so fed up with IE crashing all the time
that I finally decided to look at alternatives and ran across Firefox. I've
been using Firefox since October/November of 2004 and will never go back.
Firefox has only crashed once since I've began using it (It only crashed
thanks to the very unstable Adobe Reader.) whereas IE crashed on me almost
on a daily basis. Now on an older, slower computer, use IE but on anything
4 years and newer, use Firefox. I've also had less spyware and popups with
Firefox than IE6 SP2. Even here on my Windows Vista Beta 2 partition, I'm
using Firefox 90% of the time for web browsing. And rumor has it, the WGA
is eventually going to have a kill switch built in, so if it *thinks* your
computer is not genuine even if it is, it will shut you down in 30 days. I
think MS needs to fix all the issues with WGA first, as there are a lot of
people out there that WGA thinks their computers are not legit when they

I can certainly accept the virtues of tabbed browsing. However, by
using such add-ons as NetCaptor and Slimbrowser, you can have that and
the IE engine. I tried Firefox, but didn't much like it. I used
NetCaptor for quite a while, but then switched to SlimBrowser because
of the way it handled search facilities.
I'm always slightly surprised at the "IE crashed all the time"
comments. Can't say that's true for me.
If you keep your Windows installation properly maintained, your a/v
up-to-date and other similar protection, what's the problem?
Most of my crashes come from one application (Showshifter) and I'm
living with that.


Enigmatic Thinker said:
I can certainly accept the virtues of tabbed browsing. However, by
using such add-ons as NetCaptor and Slimbrowser, you can have that and
the IE engine. I tried Firefox, but didn't much like it. I used
NetCaptor for quite a while, but then switched to SlimBrowser because
of the way it handled search facilities.
I'm always slightly surprised at the "IE crashed all the time"
comments. Can't say that's true for me.
If you keep your Windows installation properly maintained, your a/v
up-to-date and other similar protection, what's the problem?
Most of my crashes come from one application (Showshifter) and I'm
living with that.

I never had IE or Firefox crash.
I ran across a few sites that didn't display well in Firefox.

Travis King

That's because Firefox I don't believe anyway supports ActiveX controls,
which sometimes can make some websites not appear properly and one of the
reasons why Firefox is more secure. Also, Firefox doesn't like sloppy web
coding as much and there are certain IE-only tags that Firefox does not


Travis King said:
That's because Firefox I don't believe anyway supports ActiveX controls,
which sometimes can make some websites not appear properly and one of the
reasons why Firefox is more secure. Also, Firefox doesn't like sloppy web
coding as much and there are certain IE-only tags that Firefox does not

Don't get me wrong, my preference is FireFox.


WGV is like any other spyware. Microsoft checking what's on our
computers. I am sorry, I can't get updates and my software came with my
computer. I can't get support from anyone. so, I have to use FireFox. I
can't take a risk with IE.

Uncle Grumpy

Enigmatic said:
I can certainly accept the virtues of tabbed browsing. However, by
using such add-ons as NetCaptor and Slimbrowser, you can have that and
the IE engine. I tried Firefox, but didn't much like it. I used
NetCaptor for quite a while, but then switched to SlimBrowser because
of the way it handled search facilities.

Or you can merely download IE7 Beta 3. I trashed Firefox when Beta 2
became available, and am now happily using Beta 3.
I'm always slightly surprised at the "IE crashed all the time"
comments. Can't say that's true for me.

Same here. And the Beta versions of 7 are stable as well. Firefox, on
the other hand had memory leaks that never seemed to end, and it kept
using more and more memory, until it would finall just freeze, forcing
me to close Firefox using Task Manager (WinXP).


WGV is like any other spyware. Microsoft checking what's on our
computers. I am sorry, I can't get updates and my software came with my
computer. I can't get support from anyone. so, I have to use FireFox. I
can't take a risk with IE.


Since the early eighties and SC government internet and IE and Firefox and
OE and Outlook and Thunderbird, going every place imaginable (except illegal
transfer sites), I have never had a virus of any kind. This is personal,
business computers and networked business computers with clods getting on
the internet through a server. I guess it's not nice calling customers,
clods. I should say self appointed experts who try to bypass passwords and
local control.
In my dealings with customers, very (extremely) seldom is a "virus" NOT
traced back to junior or visiting teen / low twenties signing up with some
"free" music, video, porno, site.

Paul Knudsen

Good try, but lame. No, the best reason to use Firefox is hatred of

No--the best reason is to get tabbed browsing and other features.
(especially if Windows was purchased at Wal-Mart during the Bush
administration from a clerk vaguely resembling Ann Coulter).

Far out.

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