A dumb question but .....



In am running Access 2000 and want to write some Visual Basic code to read
and write from a table which is not open (active in anty form).

I have used the commands:

Dim tab_name As String
tab_name = "Activities"
DoCmd.OpenTable tab_name, , acAdd

to open and add a new record to table Activities, now how do I now read and
write to that new open record? Everything I try fails.

For example it has a field called Code1, how do I write to it?

I have tried
Activities!code1 = "fred"

to no avail!

(I am VERY new to Visual Basic and the Access book I have does not seem to
answer my question.)


Albert D. Kallal

In code, we can process the data anyway we want.

However, the concept does not involve opening a table, but using what is
called a recordset

The following code will open a record set:

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

set rs = currentdb.OpenRecordSet("select * from contacts")

Do While rs.EOF = False
Debug.Print rs!FirstName
Set rs = Nothing

The above would print each FirstName from table contacts to the debug
window. The above is a good example of how to "process" a set of data.

In your case, you could feed the recordset the actual table name and go:

Dim rs As DAO.RecordSet

set rs = currentdb.OpenRecordSet("Activities")
rs!Code1 = "Fred"
Set rs = Nothing

You likely should get a book on ms-access, as some reading and learning will
really help you get up to speed.

Here is a on-line one:

Here is a on-line book for access97
(this has very good into to writing code...and it will apply to a2000 also)

Also, for the above examples to work, you need to set the DAO 3.6 Library in
the tools->references. Here is the steps to do this:


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