A download file that can't be deleted and messes the whole explorer up!



Hi, the darn file doesn't allow me to delete, says: the file is open else where and I have to close it first??? checked every possible place and can't find it, So anyway, as soon as i touch the devil of a file the whole explorer.exe gets 100% busy and nothing moves? Help me fine a way to delete this file, plz!


Could be you've downloaded some kind of unwanted spyware
and/or backdoor program along with a
utility/functionallity you really wanted to install.
Have you looked in your startup folder? You may have
several folders if you have activated personalized user
accounts on your comp.
If you're familiar with the registry editor program (an
original Windows feature) try searching for the program
If you find it, and are familiar with backing up/editing
the registry, you will probably know what to do by now.
Suggested reading sites:

Good hunting!
-----Original Message-----
Hi, the darn file doesn't allow me to delete, says: the
file is open else where and I have to close it first???
checked every possible place and can't find it, So anyway,
as soon as i touch the devil of a file the whole
explorer.exe gets 100% busy and nothing moves? Help me
fine a way to delete this file, plz!

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