98 to xp network



lave have a xp pro sp2 pc called 'home', the other
'roy', when i try to connect to it using the 98se
it shows in netork under workgroup mshome, home,
without any drives, when i click on it it askes
for password '\\home\pc$'.

the xp pc has file & print sharing on, the 'c'
drive is shared as 'c on home', betbios is
installed, i have tried 'simple' network on & off.
i tried putting the pc name 'roy' into the users
in admin tools with administarer rights.

any othe ideas to try?


Bruce Chambers

royc said:
lave have a xp pro sp2 pc called 'home', the other
'roy', when i try to connect to it using the 98se
it shows in netork under workgroup mshome, home,
without any drives, when i click on it it askes
for password '\\home\pc$'.

the xp pc has file & print sharing on, the 'c'
drive is shared as 'c on home', betbios is
installed, i have tried 'simple' network on & off.
i tried putting the pc name 'roy' into the users
in admin tools with administarer rights.

any othe ideas to try?


On the WinXP PC, create local user account(s), with non-blank
password(s), that have the desired access privileges to the desired
shares. Log on to the other PCs using those account(s), and you will be
able to access the designated shares, provided your network is
configured properly. Also, make sure that WinXP's built-in firewall is
disabled on the internal LAN connection.

Usually, WinXP's Networking Wizard makes it simple and painless --
almost entirely automatic, in fact. There's a lot of useful,
easy-to-follow information in WinXP's Help & Support files, and here:

Home Networking

Networking Information

PracticallyNetworked Home

Steve Winograd's Networking FAQ


Bruce Chambers

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