5 monitors 5 different views -- why?



You may want to incorporate browser sniffing into your
design and redirect your viewers to differently designed
pages which address their browser specs. This means using
ASP code to detect which browser is being used by the
viewer OR you can opt to begin using CSS into your

Cheryl D. Wise

Why would you want the maintanance nightmare of maintianing different pages
for different browsers?

How much effort are you going to put into making sure your browser sniffer
is current and servers the appropriate pages?

Does your sniffer take into account Opera, Mozilla, Safari, Konqueror, Lynx,
etc.. or the very real differences between IE for the Mac and IE for

It is really annoying when I visit a page with Opera 7, a very standards
compliant browser, only to be served something designed for NN 4.x that
looks like garbage because someone used a browser sniffer that only
understood Netscape and IE. Anything other than IE got served NN 4.x pages.
Frequently with a box telling me I need to *upgrade* to a modern browser
like IE 5.

As far as using CSS goes, I'm all in favor of using it but it probably
isn't the solution to this particular problem at least not as posted.

Vocátional & Technicál Edu®

All other users have the right to post what they see as a possible solution.
There are many roads to Rome. Then the original Question-Poster can choose
among the many answers.

Since the day that Tom Pepper Willett, Microsoft MVP - FrontPage and Jim
Cheshire, Jimco Add-ins, Add-ins for FrontPage 2000-2003,
http://www.jimcoaddins.com quit posting such negative replies every day to
Mike of http://www.websunlimited.com/ - this is a true Southern Gentleman /
Southern Belle mannered forum.

So, you reply with your take on the solution but do not disparage other
poster's replies - or I will be forced to ban you from this forum and report
you to Bill Gate and Bill Clinton.

As our fellow citizens once observed, Southerners will be polite until they
are angry enough to kill you.

Try - though it may be impossible - to be well mannered like Thomas A. Rowe
and Jim Buyens, Microsoft FrontPage MVP, (e-mail address removed),
http://www.interlacken.com who are very professional, intelligent and never
try to post negative replies to other Poster's answers.

They ignore people like you and continue posting replied to questions but
nothing negative or such as "Why would you want the maintanance nightmare"
or this "It is really annoying" or this "Personally I don't worry about."
We don't care what you think or worry or none of your personal thoughts,
feelings, etc. Try for stress relief with your Priest or Psychosis Pills.

From today on you can reply to questions but not to other answers. Also you
have to make this site your home page for 30 to 90 days - depending on your
speed of learning new information;

xcopy: April Dalke [MS] (e-mail address removed)

This may or may not work... Worked for me in times past - the past is never
dead. It's not even past. Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never
regains its original dimensions - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.


Jeff Aldridge - New Orleans, Louisiana

800.858.7243 pager
225.205.7438 tel
775.655.1104 fax

(e-mail address removed) E-mail

Service packs address common bugs or security flaws in released software.
Although they sometimes introduce new (albeit minor) problems themselves,
they are not likely to harm your computer system.
Office updates are available from www.officeupdate.com
Windows updates from www.windowsupdate.com


You've gotta be on drugs or maybe just a fruitcake?
-----Original Message-----
All other users have the right to post what they see as a possible solution.
There are many roads to Rome. Then the original Question- Poster can choose
among the many answers.

Since the day that Tom Pepper Willett, Microsoft MVP - FrontPage and Jim
Cheshire, Jimco Add-ins, Add-ins for FrontPage 2000-2003,
http://www.jimcoaddins.com quit posting such negative replies every day to
Mike of http://www.websunlimited.com/ - this is a true Southern Gentleman /
Southern Belle mannered forum.

So, you reply with your take on the solution but do not disparage other
poster's replies - or I will be forced to ban you from this forum and report
you to Bill Gate and Bill Clinton.

As our fellow citizens once observed, Southerners will be polite until they
are angry enough to kill you.

Try - though it may be impossible - to be well mannered like Thomas A. Rowe
and Jim Buyens, Microsoft FrontPage MVP, (e-mail address removed),
http://www.interlacken.com who are very professional, intelligent and never
try to post negative replies to other Poster's answers.

They ignore people like you and continue posting replied to questions but
nothing negative or such as "Why would you want the maintanance nightmare"
or this "It is really annoying" or this "Personally I don't worry about."
We don't care what you think or worry or none of your personal thoughts,
feelings, etc. Try for stress relief with your Priest or Psychosis Pills.

From today on you can reply to questions but not to other answers. Also you
have to make this site your home page for 30 to 90 days - depending on your
speed of learning new information;

xcopy: April Dalke [MS] (e-mail address removed)

This may or may not work... Worked for me in times past - the past is never
dead. It's not even past. Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never
regains its original dimensions - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.


Jeff Aldridge - New Orleans, Louisiana

800.858.7243 pager
225.205.7438 tel
775.655.1104 fax

(e-mail address removed) E-mail

Service packs address common bugs or security flaws in released software.
Although they sometimes introduce new (albeit minor) problems themselves,
they are not likely to harm your computer system.
Office updates are available from www.officeupdate.com
Windows updates from www.windowsupdate.com

Why would you want the maintanance nightmare of
maintianing different
for different browsers?

How much effort are you going to put into making sure your browser sniffer
is current and servers the appropriate pages?

Does your sniffer take into account Opera, Mozilla,
Safari, Konqueror,
etc.. or the very real differences between IE for the Mac and IE for

It is really annoying when I visit a page with Opera 7, a very standards
compliant browser, only to be served something designed for NN 4.x that
looks like garbage because someone used a browser sniffer that only
understood Netscape and IE. Anything other than IE got
served NN 4.x
Frequently with a box telling me I need to *upgrade* to a modern browser
like IE 5.

As far as using CSS goes, I'm all in favor of using it but it probably
isn't the solution to this particular problem at least not as posted.


Cheryl D. Wise

I happen to like hearing other people's experience in using the web. That's
how I learn what does and does not work since I don't have every platform or
browser available to me. I do have more than most because I have both PCs
and a Mac available but I do not have a Linux/Unix machine. I have both
PocketPC and Palm but no good way to connect the Palm to the internet. I
also have an internet capable cellphone but am limited to what the Nokia
3360 supports, other who have newer phones with color screens see something
different. While I try to test on as many of those as possible I still can't
cover every combination so I rely on reports of people who use
systems/browsers I don't have. So I want to hear other's experiences when
using the web.

You off course may feel differently and are entitled to your own opinion.

If anyone has a way that is not a maintanance nightmare of creating separate
pages for the multitude of browser/platform combinations out there I would
love to hear it. Every method I've seen of using browser sniffing server
side is a mantainance nightmare.

Browsers change frequently. In the past 2 years I've gone from using IE 5 to
5.5 to 6. There are rendering differences between them (box model is one)
and the same page can look differently in each of them. Opera has gone from
5 to 6 to 7 with improved standards support in each one. Netscape has gone
from 4.x to 6 (lots of problems) to 6.2 (okay browser) to 7 (good standards
support). Mozilla came out as point 0 beta release and but is up to 1.4
already again there are definite rendering differences between .1 and 1.4.

MS has discontinued support of IE for the Mac stopping it at 5.2 but you
can't sniff just for IE 5 because IE 5-5.2 for the Mac renders very
differently than any of the PC version. Safari for the Mac was only
introduced a few months ago as a beta and only released as 'gold' in the
last couple of months. It is based on the KHTML rendering engine but has
display differences from other KHTML based browsers.

Then you have PocketPCs, Palm browsers, cellphone, and other mobile devices
but you might get away with serving those browsers whatever you server Lynx-
text based browser.

Trying to keep a server side browser sniffer compatible with all of the
above not to mention other browsers like Konqueror for Linux or any of the
dozens of minor browsers would not be an easy task. Even assuming you were
able to do so then you'd have to create the pages with the same content for
each of those browsers. Now several of those browsers would render basically
the same so you won't have to create separate pages for each of them but you
would need at a guess 4-6.

It is possible to do a low level form of browser sniffing with CSS that
doesn't have as many problems associated with it from a maintanance point of
view as server side sniffing by using a basic stylesheet that NN 4.x will
understand attached to the page using <link rel ...> adding a more advanced
stylesheet using the @import method that NN 4.x and other less complaint
browsers don't recognize and making sure your page 'degrades' gracefully for
browser that do not support CSS or who have CSS support turned off. NN 4.x
uses javascript to implement CSS so if javascript is turned off there will
be no CSS applied either.

Vocátional & Technicál Edu®

Don't be scared to put your real name and email. We Southerners are well

You've gotta be on drugs or maybe just a fruitcake?
-----Original Message-----
All other users have the right to post what they see as a possible solution.
There are many roads to Rome. Then the original Question- Poster can choose
among the many answers.

Since the day that Tom Pepper Willett, Microsoft MVP - FrontPage and Jim
Cheshire, Jimco Add-ins, Add-ins for FrontPage 2000-2003,
http://www.jimcoaddins.com quit posting such negative replies every day to
Mike of http://www.websunlimited.com/ - this is a true Southern Gentleman /
Southern Belle mannered forum.

So, you reply with your take on the solution but do not disparage other
poster's replies - or I will be forced to ban you from this forum and report
you to Bill Gate and Bill Clinton.

As our fellow citizens once observed, Southerners will be polite until they
are angry enough to kill you.

Try - though it may be impossible - to be well mannered like Thomas A. Rowe
and Jim Buyens, Microsoft FrontPage MVP, (e-mail address removed),
http://www.interlacken.com who are very professional, intelligent and never
try to post negative replies to other Poster's answers.

They ignore people like you and continue posting replied to questions but
nothing negative or such as "Why would you want the maintanance nightmare"
or this "It is really annoying" or this "Personally I don't worry about."
We don't care what you think or worry or none of your personal thoughts,
feelings, etc. Try for stress relief with your Priest or Psychosis Pills.

From today on you can reply to questions but not to other answers. Also you
have to make this site your home page for 30 to 90 days - depending on your
speed of learning new information;

xcopy: April Dalke [MS] (e-mail address removed)

This may or may not work... Worked for me in times past - the past is never
dead. It's not even past. Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never
regains its original dimensions - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.


Jeff Aldridge - New Orleans, Louisiana

800.858.7243 pager
225.205.7438 tel
775.655.1104 fax

(e-mail address removed) E-mail

Service packs address common bugs or security flaws in released software.
Although they sometimes introduce new (albeit minor) problems themselves,
they are not likely to harm your computer system.
Office updates are available from www.officeupdate.com
Windows updates from www.windowsupdate.com

Why would you want the maintanance nightmare of
maintianing different
for different browsers?

How much effort are you going to put into making sure your browser sniffer
is current and servers the appropriate pages?

Does your sniffer take into account Opera, Mozilla,
Safari, Konqueror,
etc.. or the very real differences between IE for the Mac and IE for

It is really annoying when I visit a page with Opera 7, a very standards
compliant browser, only to be served something designed for NN 4.x that
looks like garbage because someone used a browser sniffer that only
understood Netscape and IE. Anything other than IE got
served NN 4.x
Frequently with a box telling me I need to *upgrade* to a modern browser
like IE 5.

As far as using CSS goes, I'm all in favor of using it but it probably
isn't the solution to this particular problem at least not as posted.

Cheryl D. Wise
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

You may want to incorporate browser sniffing into your
design and redirect your viewers to differently designed
pages which address their browser specs. This means using
ASP code to detect which browser is being used by the
viewer OR you can opt to begin using CSS into your


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