Hello again and thanks in advance.
I'm sure this is an error of mine and not vb, but I've got a Double number:
dblFeed = dblFeed / intSpeed
In my example dblFeed calculates to 5.55555E02 rather than 0.05555555....
which I understand is correct for scientific notation. However, I need to
put this into some text based code for a machine, and it is going in as
5.5556 rather than 0.0556
I run a custom function to fix the decimal at 4 places (as much as our
machines will process). Any idea's on how I can convert the sci notation to a
standard number? Here's my code:
'***** CODE START *****
dblFeed = dblFeed / intSpeed
dblFeed = FixedDecimal(dblFeed, 4)
'FixedDecimal Function
' Returns a Double with a specified Fixed Decimal Place
' Written by Jack Leach - please do not redistribute without this function
Public Function FixedDecimal(dblNumber As Double, intPlace As Integer) As
On Error GoTo Error_FixedDecimal
Dim dblResult As Double
Dim strNumber As String
Dim strChar As String
Dim intPos As Integer
Dim intLen As Integer
strNumber = Str(dblNumber)
intPos = InStr(1, strNumber, ".")
intLen = Len(strNumber)
If intPos <> 0 Then
If intLen > (intPos + intPlace) Then
strNumber = Left(strNumber, intPos + intPlace)
End If
End If
FixedDecimal = CDbl(strNumber)
Exit Function
pbl_Lng = fSetAccessWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL)
pbl_Lng = 0
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure " _
& "FixedDecimal of Module modProgramConversion"
Resume Exit_FixedDecimal
End Function
'***** END CODE *****
It the time of writing this function, I had not been able to find a numeric
fixed decimal rounding function. I assume I'm getting the issure due to the
fact that the double is being converted to a string for evaluation. Working
with scientific notation is code is brand new for me. Any help would be
greatly appreciated.
I'm sure this is an error of mine and not vb, but I've got a Double number:
dblFeed = dblFeed / intSpeed
In my example dblFeed calculates to 5.55555E02 rather than 0.05555555....
which I understand is correct for scientific notation. However, I need to
put this into some text based code for a machine, and it is going in as
5.5556 rather than 0.0556
I run a custom function to fix the decimal at 4 places (as much as our
machines will process). Any idea's on how I can convert the sci notation to a
standard number? Here's my code:
'***** CODE START *****
dblFeed = dblFeed / intSpeed
dblFeed = FixedDecimal(dblFeed, 4)
'FixedDecimal Function
' Returns a Double with a specified Fixed Decimal Place
' Written by Jack Leach - please do not redistribute without this function
Public Function FixedDecimal(dblNumber As Double, intPlace As Integer) As
On Error GoTo Error_FixedDecimal
Dim dblResult As Double
Dim strNumber As String
Dim strChar As String
Dim intPos As Integer
Dim intLen As Integer
strNumber = Str(dblNumber)
intPos = InStr(1, strNumber, ".")
intLen = Len(strNumber)
If intPos <> 0 Then
If intLen > (intPos + intPlace) Then
strNumber = Left(strNumber, intPos + intPlace)
End If
End If
FixedDecimal = CDbl(strNumber)
Exit Function
pbl_Lng = fSetAccessWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL)
pbl_Lng = 0
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure " _
& "FixedDecimal of Module modProgramConversion"
Resume Exit_FixedDecimal
End Function
'***** END CODE *****
It the time of writing this function, I had not been able to find a numeric
fixed decimal rounding function. I assume I'm getting the issure due to the
fact that the double is being converted to a string for evaluation. Working
with scientific notation is code is brand new for me. Any help would be
greatly appreciated.