3 Questions



Hi, I've got three separate questions. Please respond to each one as
necessary, or all three if you have answers to all three. I'm just going to
group them all in here to save time. Windows XP Professional SP2

1) System Standby

My computer only goes into system standby if I force it to by pressing the
sleep button. My power settings are as follows:

Monitor - 20min
Hard Drives - 45min
Standby - 20min.

Note: the monitor will shut off, but the computer will not go into standby.
It did in the past. Any suggestions?

2) Windows Update:

Recently, whenever I go to the Windows Update site and click on Custom, it
starts checking my computer and inevitably stalls Internet Explorer. It
never finds anything, just continues checking. This did not happen in the

3) Not recognizing CD's

No matter what type of disk I put into either my CD-R drive or my DVD-ROM
drive, Windows will not automatically recognize it. Before, it would run the
autoplay or ask me what I want to do with the disk, no it does neither. If I
look at the drive through Explorer, it does not register any disk being in
the drive, however, if I click on the drive, I can see all the files of the
CD and run it that way. Again, this is only recent.

These problems did not happen all at once, rather I have not had time to
troubleshoot them in the past, so I am trying to do so now.

Once again, any help would be greatly appreciated.


Yes and Yes.

Just to be sure, I made sure my anti-virus was updated (NAV corporate) and
ran a full scan; nothing. Updated AdAware, found nothing but cookies. I've
never really had a problem with viruses or spyware.

Question #3 is solved: I just let the it search for about five minutes. I
downloaded and installed all updates.

So, any tips on questions 1 and 3 - System Standby and CD recognition?


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