3+ Dynamic Dependent dropdowns?



Does any one know a more efficient routine?

http://www.xldynamic.com/source/xld.Dropdowns.html is pretty easy to
get bogged down in.

Say it's Continent=>Country=>State=>City=>Street=>number

I think I am getting to the point where I need VB.NET or C#. Have any
of you made the transition with the intention of improving your
spreadsheet applications? I am in Energy Risk Management and we deploy
Excel models all the time, but Excel can be squirrely when your talking
about 6 cascading comboboxes on a userform. It's also not very secure.

I know it's two threads. I am most interested in the first question.
On the second I am fatalistic (I have to learn it, so who cares if
learning C# hurts.) Food for thought.

Thanks and Cheers,


Bob Phillips

VB.NET will not solve that problem, it is a logic issue which would remain
in VB.NET, so you have to work out a way of constructing the data so that
you can access. I agree my technique gets very messy after 3 combos, so
maybe the best way is just to list all the addresses and dynamically extract
the relevant data.

So you would

Build a unique list of continents and load into Combo 1.
On selection from combo 1, build a unique list of all countries in that
continent, and load combo 2

Not very difficult, even without VB.NET.


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)


Thanks Bob for your quick response. I will use the method you

The logic problem would still exist, but doesn't VB.NET provide for
more robust forms. Just messing around in SharpDevelop Windows forms I
was able to build a very complicated cascading menu in no time. Is
there a way I can make this form into a control that is usable on a
userform. I realize this may be 'nuking-it-out' but the interface is
very nice, and having this capability may be useful in the future.
Also, this may be a question for a SharpDevelop group?


Bob Phillips


I know nothing about SharpDevelop (didn't even know about it, so thanks for
that lead), but my guess is that someone has seen the need for such a
control and so has developed it. I am sure it would be just as easy (hard)
to build such a control in VB (not offering BTW <vbg>), just hasn't been
done yet. Again, it is not the environment doing that, it is the foresight
of some particular developer ( the beauty of OpenSource).

I agree the .Net environment is powerful, but it also has many difficulties
for those of us working in the open market.



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