3 combox box on the form with rowsource



I have 3 comboboxes on the form and all of them have a query for their
row source.

It seems MS Access running teh query in the background to get the list
which is very slow to load the form.

Is it possibe to link row sourrce at run time after form load that
makes it easier for the user?
If yes, can you please give me a link or a sample?

Your information is great appreciated,

Carl Rapson

iccsi said:
I have 3 comboboxes on the form and all of them have a query for their
row source.

It seems MS Access running teh query in the background to get the list
which is very slow to load the form.

Is it possibe to link row sourrce at run time after form load that
makes it easier for the user?
If yes, can you please give me a link or a sample?

Your information is great appreciated,

In the Form_Load event, set the RowSource property of each combo box to the
appropriate string. Example:

Me.cboBox1.RowSource = "<your query here>"

Then be sure to clear the RowSource property of the combo box.

Carl Rapson

Carl Rapson

Carl Rapson said:
In the Form_Load event, set the RowSource property of each combo box to
the appropriate string. Example:

Me.cboBox1.RowSource = "<your query here>"

Then be sure to clear the RowSource property of the combo box.

Carl Rapson

Correction to last statement: Then be sure to clear the RowSource property
of the combo box in its Properties window.

Carl Rapson

Jan Baird

Jan Baird is out of the country until September 20. Every effort will be
made to respond to messages, but please be patient.

Jan Baird

Jan Baird is out of the country until September 20. Every effort will be
made to respond to messages, but please be patient.

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