2nd HD failure after latest update on 10/10



perhaps unrelated events however, I just updated my computer following the
latest Monthy update push and when i rebooted the system chkdsk intialized
and tried to repair a second backup SATA HD that i maintain on the system.
When the system loaded it was sluggish and in my computer the system saw the
second drive was there but could not read it as it was an unrecognized format
(the drive was NTFS and had about 2 GB data on it and was working fine prior
to the update). Windows in my computer properties reports the second drive as
RAW with zero bites of info. I dont keep alot of data on the second drive.
However, when all else failed i tried to reformat the drive and windows could
not reformat the drive. The WD disk utility saw the drive and said that it
was not prepared for use. It said it was formatted and partitioned for use
after running the utility however this not the case. EAch time i run the
utility i get the same message, drive is not formatted for use. Funny thing
is under admin disk management the drive will not display as there. The
drive is recognized in both the bios and windows. However, it is unusable.
The primary drive and data appears to be working well. Though I initially
experienced system sluggisness after the update. I also did a system restore
back to prior to the update then a reinstall. However, this did not fix the
drive D issue. I checked all the connectors etc to the drive and they are
fine. While this seems like a HD failure of some sort its timing to this
latest update does not seem coincidental.


Well, just a suggestion ...

....have you somehow ended up losing the motherboard, or interface cards'
SATA driver in Windows ?

regards, Richard

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