20gb Drive only has 5.90gb space after clean vista install



After doing a clean install of vista ultimate on a 20 gb hdd, i'm only
showing 5.90gb of free space, surely the os cant be 14gb, has anyone got any
ideas how to free up some space so that i can install a couple of games or
programs, or why it takes that much room? is it a bug? From what i've seen,
vista is really good, apart from the space problem, though if vista takes up
that much room, i think i'll have to go back to windows 2000 :(


Vista version ??
Vista applications enabled ?

: After doing a clean install of vista ultimate on a 20 gb hdd, i'm only
: showing 5.90gb of free space, surely the os cant be 14gb, has anyone got any
: ideas how to free up some space so that i can install a couple of games or
: programs, or why it takes that much room? is it a bug? From what i've seen,
: vista is really good, apart from the space problem, though if vista takes up
: that much room, i think i'll have to go back to windows 2000 :(

Rick Rogers


That's pretty much average for a Vista install, especially when you factor
in space requirements for System Restore, paging, and hibernation. It's
designed for modern systems, and these typically come with hard drives
100GB so space would not be an issue. 20GB is ok if it's a system partition
only, but as you've seen you will quickly run out of space if it's the only

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org
My thoughts http://rick-mvp.blogspot.com

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