2003 converts forwarded messages to attachments (.msg)



My 90 Y.O. father seems to have changed a setting somewhere in Outlook 2003
so that every email he forwards is converted to an attachment within the
forwarded email. Any ideas where this setting is or how to prevent this?

Brian Tillman

Eighty said:
My 90 Y.O. father seems to have changed a setting somewhere in
Outlook 2003 so that every email he forwards is converted to an
attachment within the forwarded email. Any ideas where this setting
is or how to prevent this?

Tools>Options>E-mail Options>When replying to a message.


Thanks Brian, that worked.

I must have searched the web and Microsoft for two hours with no luck in
finding a solution. Sometimes one cannot come up with the correct verbage to
search with.

It may have been a trivial solution (that you have solved many times
before), but my frustration was overtaking my sanity with this. I appreciate
your time.


Thanks for your solution Brian, it worked. You have probably answered this
question a dozen times before, but you have solved a problem I've spent a
couple hours on, searching the internet and the Microsoft site. I appreciate
you taking the time.

Brian Tillman

Eighty said:
Thanks for your solution Brian, it worked. You have probably
answered this question a dozen times before, but you have solved a
problem I've spent a couple hours on, searching the internet and the
Microsoft site. I appreciate you taking the time.

I'm glad it worked for you.

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