20 Procedures one Command button



Newbie question:

Is it possible to have a command button execute a different procedure
based on the Shape in which the Text Box was called to show from. In
other words I have 20 shapes and I want to use a single Text Box and
then have the Command button execute a different code based on the
Rectangle number.

Sub Rectangle1_Click()
End Sub

The only thing I need to change is the row number on ws2, if Rectangle2
is used the row number would be 5.

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet
Set ws1 = Worksheets("Names List")
Set ws2 = Worksheets("BDS Under Construction")

'check for a comment
If Trim(Me.BdayText.Value) = "" Then
MsgBox "OOPS! Try again."
Exit Sub
End If

'copy text to the appropriate cell.
ws1.Cells((ws2.Cells(4, 80)) - 3, 3) = Me.BdayText.Value
End Sub

I’m probably going about this all wrong, so any thoughts are greatly


Harald Staff

Hi Matt

Put this into your userform module, on top, before any Sub:

Public SaveRow as Long

now you can do

Sub Rectangle1_Click()
txtBoxForm.SaveRow = 5
End Sub

and use this row number variable in the Save code.

Question now is how you decide the number. If each shape has its own
"Rectangle1_Click" kind of code then you must write it into each one of
them. If multiple shapes has the same macro assigned to them then you'll
know which one that's clicked by using


HTH. Best wishes Harald

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